Proxy not passing Content-Length to target endpoint

Not applicable

I'm using an Apigee 'Reverse proxy' to call a Third Party API and they say that they are receiving a 'Content-Length' of 0 so they assume the body is empty which is a problem for me. When I call the Third Party API without going through Apigee they are receiving the Content-Length so I know I am sending my request properly.

Is there a reason why Apigee would not be sending the Content-Length to the Third-Party API? NOTE: The content of the request is getting sent, it is just the Content-Length that is the problem.

0 1 967

Not applicable

More Information: Third party let me know that they are receiving the "Transfer-Encoding=chunked" header which is preventing the "Content-Length" header from getting sent. I belive that this is the same problem mentioned in the question "Content-Length gets converted to Transfer-Encoding" which also does not have an answer. Link: