Failure to Get Saml_Token In Order to Configure Plugin That Will Tell Us Whether Or Not Our Service is Working-Saml_token Is Needed I

Not applicable

Hello Apigee Dev Support,

We want to get a EDGEMICRO_SAML_TOKEN in order to hit a plugin endpoint.

We run the command:

- edgemicro token get -o corelogic-np -e test -i <key> -s <secret>

We get the following response:

{ fault: { faultstring: 'Unresolved variable : request.header.Authorization', detail: { errorcode: 'steps.basicauthentication.UnresolvedVariable' } } }


{"fault":{"faultstring":"XMLToJSON[Products-to-JSON]: Source AccessEntity.ChildNodes.Access-App-Info.App.Credentials.Credential.ApiProducts is not available","detail":{"errorcode":"steps.xml2json.SourceUnavailable"}}}

We want to get this token so we can hit the sample "hello" endpoint on our localhost:8000. We have configured the rest of the entities correctly.

We are wondering if is possible to proceed in our project, because we need to configure a "healthcheck" endpoint that tells us whether our service is up or down. We want to be able to tell our own developers whether or not apigee is working. We believe that we have tested edge micro thoroughly and that we have configured the plugin correctly. However, every time we have tried to run edge micro on our local host we have found that it says "404 not found." That is why we have tried to run it locally on our machine in order to correctly debug the problem.

We have tried several ways run the endpoint. We have even debugged the plugin.js file that has the information in order to see if the plugins are being loaded--they are. We have tried several simpler plugins to test the plugin operation before even trying to run our more complicated healthcheck plugin.

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