Analytics report with custom attributes

How to fetch analytics reports for below?

1.From Custom Attributes
2.Developer App/Developer status

What dimension/filter to use to get the reports?


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Check this video for a quick walkthrough of creating custom reports.

Let's get our terminology straight. It's a little complicated so please bear with me through this explanation. You cannot create a custom report that uses "custom attributes" as a dimension. "Custom attributes" is a term that applies to information that you, as API program manager, can attach to various entities under management in Apigee Edge:

  • developers
  • apps
  • API Products
  • OAuth tokens

You CAN create a report based on custom metrics (numbers) or dimensions (Strings). If you embed a StatisticsCollector policy into your various API Proxies, you can tell Apigee Edge to store additional data in the Analytics data record for each request. This allows you to build reports on that stored data.

Now, what can you store as a Statistic with the StatisticsCollector policy? Any string or number. If an API call includes a number of records returned , you could store that as a metric. If the API request or response, or any other information in the request context includes a city name, you could store that as a dimension. a key point: ANY information in the request context can be stored into the analytics data record. That includes any "custom attributes" you've attached to a developer, app, API product, or token .

In short you cannot produce analytics reports on custom attributes in general. You CAN produce analytics reports on custom attributes that you have added to the AX records by using the StatisticsCollector policy.

You suggested "developer status". In Apigee Edge the developer is either approved or revoked (or pending). API calls that include credentials of an app belonging to a "non-approved" developer will always be rejected. One could imagine producing reports that chart traffic volume against developer status, but ... it would be kind of silly, since all traffic on behalf of apps that belong to a revoked developer would get 401 unauthorized responses.

I think maybe you are referring to some other data stored with the developer, maybe as a custom attribute. In that case, just follow what I described above. Store string custom attribute attached to the developer using the statisticsCollector policy. Run some traffic through the proxy. Wait about 6 minutes. Then you will see a new dimension in the pulldown for the custom reports editor page.
