Changes not happening in the Proxy

Not applicable


My organization name is - renaultnissan-nonprod and environment is Test and QA.

I have created an API named - Nissan_DVLA-VehicleRefData which was initially working fine . Later my back end API has chnaged, so I have to do the same change (need to remove an existing Header named - "x-api-key " and which I did . But when after deployemnt, I am testing my API in Trace tool , the Header has not removed and that why I am not getting the resonse from the target back end.

In this API, I am using Service Callout to get external token, extract it and create Assign Message payload in which using the extract token and hit the back end target

It is very simple and straight forward Proxy API and hardly using 4 or 5 policies.

Any one help, it would be great.



0 3 53

Not applicable

Can you have the access for Apigee Edge ?

Similar, something I had done for another proxy -tokenRetrieve in which retrieve token successfully but when try to set in AM payload , it is not set .



We don't have direct access to your environment and organization. You can try contacting Apigee Support if you want that kind of assistance.

Im my experience, when things don't behave the way you expect, the problem is that the policy is :

  • not attached
  • attached in the wrong place
  • configured incorrectly in some other way

You have AssignMessage , and it seems like you know how to use it to remove a header. That's pretty simple. Somehow it's not doing what you want. Some questions that may help you diagnose:

  1. Have you verified that the AM is executing on the request flow?
  2. Have you verified that the AM policy is operating on the same request message that is being sent to the target backend?