application datastore server issue

Not applicable


I am doing onpremises installation of apigee with 2 datacenter but when I am going to create validate organisation with following command

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-validate setup -f /tmp/proddc1.txt

I am getting below error

!!!! Error !!!!
  "code" : "organizations.ApplicationDatastoreServerIssue",
  "message" : "application-datastore(cassandra) servers are down or not registered for central pod.",
  "contexts" : [ ]

However, I have checked all cassandra nodes on datacenter 1 are running and also registered with central pod. Below is the result of one cassandra node if verify central pod command

  "internalIP" : "XX.XX.XX.XXX",
  "isUp" : true,
  "pod" : "central",
  "reachable" : true,
  "region" : "dc1",
  "tags" : {
    "property" : [ {
      "name" : "dp.color",
      "value" : "green"
    } ]
  "type" : [ "scheduler-datastore", "audit-datastore", "mint-rdbms-datastore", "kms-datastore", "dc-datastore", "application-datastore", "postgres-server", "counter-datastore", "user-settings-datastore", "analytics-datastore", "router", "endpoint", "consumer-server", "ldap", "edgenotification-datastore", "dw-server", "ingest-server", "qpid-server", "cache-datastore", "zookeeper", "apimodel-datastore", "taurus-datastore", "keyvaluemap-datastore", "notification-datastore", "mint-datastore", "ax-hadoop-ingester", "management-server", "identityzone-datastore", "reportcrud-datastore", "auth-datastore" ],
  "uUID" : "fba913ae-961c-47eb-ac8c-7695081e8df9"

I am not able to create validate organisation. ANY HELP ?

0 1 385

Not applicable

I was planning to install 2 DCs configuration but currently, 2nd DCs is in procurement phase so the plan is first to go Live with only 1 DCs and then once procurement cycle for 2nd DCs is completed we get Active second data center as well without disturbing Live traffic, but I was wrong.

It is necessary to install datastores on both the DCs so I have done single data center installation and now adding DC to existing DC. Below URL can help you further.