JAR loading is not allowed due to the sandbox policy Error

Hi there

Is anybody can help with this problem ?

Our example is hello.js

var path = require('path');
var trireme = require('trireme-support');

trireme.loadJars(path.join(__dirname, '../java/SomeJar.jar'));

Node.js Log

*** Error: JAR loading is not allowed due to the sandbox policy Error: JAR loading is not allowed due to the sandbox policy at loadJars (/organization/environment/api/node_modules/trireme-support/index.js:65) at /organization/environment/api/src/routers/hello.js:24 at module.js:456 at module.js:474 at module.js:356 at module.js:312 at module.js:364 at require (module.js:380) at /organization/environment/api/src/app.js:5 at module.js:456 at module.js:474 at module.js:356 at module.js:312 at module.js:364 at require (module.js:380) at /organization/environment/api/index.js:7 at module.js:456 at module.js:474 at module.js:356 at module.js:312 at module.js:497 at startup (trireme.js:142) at trireme.js:923


2017-12-13 05:29:39,751 org:org env:dev api:trireme-test rev:4  Trireme: org__dev__trireme-test__index.js ERROR NODESCRIPT - NodeScriptInstance$Lsnr.onComplete() : Application: trireme-test: Script index.js exited with status code -1: Error: JAR loading is not allowed due to the sandbox policy
    at loadJars (/organization/environment/api/node_modules/trireme-support/index.js:65)
    at /organization/environment/api/src/routers/hello.js:24
    at module.js:456
    at module.js:474
    at module.js:356
    at module.js:312
    at module.js:364
    at require (module.js:380)
    at /organization/environment/api/src/app.js:5
    at module.js:456
    at module.js:474
    at module.js:356
    at module.js:312
    at module.js:364
    at require (module.js:380)
    at /organization/environment/api/index.js:7
    at module.js:456
    at module.js:474
    at module.js:356
    at module.js:312
    at module.js:497
    at startup (trireme.js:142)
    at trireme.js:923

org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: Error: JAR loading is not allowed due to the sandbox policy
0 2 173

@Sebastian Krajewski , On Cloud / On Premises ? I am afraid on cloud we don't support third party custom jars.

Hi We are 'On Premises', Edge 4.17.09 on Java 1.8.

On https://docs.apigee.com/api-services/content/resource-files found that, so you support 3rd party JARs, right: