APP on-boarding - we are calling post request to external API , External API is getting request content but is showing extra character



@ Anilsagar :APP on-boarding - we are calling post request to external API , External API is getting request content but is showing extra character

2) where to check the response content in the Drupal Developer portal.

3) How to remove extra space (=) in Red in the payload.

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@surendra babu kapuluru - the call coming into Apigee has that extra character.. Can you confirm whose making this call ? Are you trying it on the developer portal, POSTMAN, an external client calling ? More info around that would help ?

Did you try calling that API using curl or postman ? Are you still seeing that extra character ?

Trying it call from developer portal and extra space is coming form Apigee. Please let us know how to remove extra character

not sure what you mean "extra space is coming form Apigee" - Are you saying the developer portal is adding it ? Or the Apigee router is adding it ??

Did you try calling the API using curl or POSTMAN ? Did that work ? Want to know if this is an issue with the developer portal smartdocs or something else

the below red line indicated values posted through post method created in drupal and pass those values as payload in the API created in the Apigee ( Edge Portal). Passing those value as JSON string and extra space is coming

My question is how to remove that extra space from my post payload or do you have nay alternative ways of doing the use case.

Attached image of passed values for your reference.


@surendra babu kapuluru - I guess you are using formdata instead of body in the Open API Spec ?

yes using formdata to load in the API but request content showing "=".

provide me solution


you will need to change the spec from using formData to request body. Please check out the OAS Spec for that. I am assuming you need to be using "body"

formData is like if you want to pass urlencoded details like username=abc&password=secret

request body is where you pass the payload itself

Can you share the Open API spec ?