Regsiater message processor using uid

Not applicable

When I try to register a message router based on a UID, I am receiving below error.

< HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
< X-Apigee.fault-code: registration.MessageProcessorReachedMaxLimit
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2017 20:29:32 GMT
< Content-Length: 158
"code" : "registration.MessageProcessorReachedMaxLimit",
"message" : "Number of MessageProcessors have reached the licensed limit",
"contexts" : [ ]
* Connection #0 to host xxxxx left intact
* Closing connection #0

I have used below command to register the message processor.

curl -v -H "Authorization: Basic xxxxxx" http://xxx:8080/v1/servers -X POST -d "type=message-processor&&uuid=<uid of messge processor>&action=add&region=lab-brk&pod=gateway"

0 2 119

Hi @prabhuu,

Please contact support team, as you can see in error message you might have a limit on the number of MPs you can have in your installation of Apigee.

Not applicable

Hi @prabhuu,

A few questions to understand the issue better please:

1. Which version of Apigee Private Cloud do you have installed?

2. How many message processors do you have available based on your license?

Thank you,
