Monetization: Impose Monthly minimum $$ with Product-Specific Plans with different rate card prices

I have a need to impose the following.

  • Offer a package to a consuming developer that contains two products (call them payments and catalogs)
  • The package has Product-Specific Plans because each product has its own pricing structure.
  • Each product has a Rate Card with volume-banded pricing but they are not the same price (ie: calls to /payments cost $1/call. calls to /catalogs cost $0.01/call
  • Impose monthly (or whatever period) minimum $$ charge. Let's call it $100

This community post comes close but will not work for imposing a monthly minimum because I cannot compute, at the rate plan level, a number of calls which equals $100, because that could be 75 /payments and 2500 /catalogs, or 99 /payments and 100 /catalogs.

The only thing I've been able to come up with is either to make adjustments, or create my plan/cards like above, and add a $100 monthly fee, then apply a credit to each developer that is equal to anything they spent between $100 and $199.99

Thanks in advance!

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I guess you are looking for to sell these products in different rates basically in such scenarios you need to create different packages for each product and have dedicated rateplan for each.

So in the example you mentioned,

- catalogs will belong to catalog_pkg and will have catalog_rateplan ; which will have $100 setup fee and volume banded with first band costing $0 for x calls.

and similarly for payment

- payment will belong to payment_pkg and will have payment_rateplan ; which will have $99 setup fee and volume banded with first band costing $0 for x calls.

Since there is two times fee associated with these products, it makes sense from developer's experience also to have two different subscriptions.

Let me know if this helps.

Hi Rajanish,

Thanks for your answer but I still need to solve the use case where the monthly charge can be spread across the two APIs as the consumer sees fit. Your suggestion would gives the customer Las value. If I create two packages, each with $50 fees, and the consumer uses $100 worth of catalog and $10 worth of payments, he'll pay $150 for $110 worth of API calls.

I appreciate the time taken to respond but I need to solve the exact use case mentioned as that is the current contacted model.