API proxy editor trace tab is frozen

Hi Apigeeks,

I am not able to trace any proxy in edge UI proxy editor. Whenever I go to trace tab the browser hangs.

In chrome console, I got this error

e18f3e56.components.js:5 Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [[{"msg":"fn: function (){var a=Math.max(g.offset().top,u);return 0===a?{h:q.innerHeight(),t:void 0}:{h:q.innerHeight(),t:Math.max(t,a)}}","newVal":{"h":390,"t":183},"oldVal":{"h":407,"t":183}}],[{"msg":"fn: function (){var a=Math.max(g.offset().top,u);return 0===a?{h:q.innerHeight(),t:void 0}:{h:q.innerHeight(),t:Math.max(t,a)}}","newVal":{"h":407,"t":183},"oldVal":{"h":390,"t":183}}],[{"msg":"fn: function (){var a=Math.max(g.offset().top,u);return 0===a?{h:q.innerHeight(),t:void 0}:{h:q.innerHeight(),t:Math.max(t,a)}}","newVal":{"h":390,"t":183},"oldVal":{"h":407,"t":183}}],[{"msg":"fn: function (){var a=Math.max(g.offset().top,u);return 0===a?{h:q.innerHeight(),t:void 0}:{h:q.innerHeight(),t:Math.max(t,a)}}","newVal":{"h":407,"t":183},"oldVal":{"h":390,"t":183}}],[{"msg":"fn: function (){var a=Math.max(g.offset().top,u);return 0===a?{h:q.innerHeight(),t:void 0}:{h:q.innerHeight(),t:Math.max(t,a)}}","newVal":{"h":390,"t":183},"oldVal":{"h":407,"t":183}}]]
    at e18f3e56.components.js:3
    at n.$digest (e18f3e56.components.js:5)
    at n.$apply (e18f3e56.components.js:6)
    at e18f3e56.components.js:6
    at g (e18f3e56.components.js:4)
    at e18f3e56.components.js:4

This is the link reference which is given in error log.

Infinite loop $digest cycle

Do we have any workaround this problem or do I need to raise a support ticket?

0 3 351

@Mohammed Zuber , Please raise a support ticket.

Thanks @Anil Sagar.

This issue is only for one user ID. Could this be an issue with Roles?

Not applicable

Bit late on this one but I was having the same issue and think I've got it figured out. I'm using Chrome, Windows, and my resolution is 1080x1920 (Portrait).

When loading the trace tab I had the zoom set to 90%, this causes the infinite loop error to be thrown. 90% zoom was the only zoom level I was able to recreate the issue on. If I load the trace tab with 100% zoom and then switch to 90% I don't get the error, only when loading at 90% zoom.Try changing your zoom level and reopening trace.

This may not work for you but it's what fixed the issue for me, hope it helps!