"404 not found" Response from Developer Portal smartDocs

Hi All,
I'm working in private cloud (OPDK). Environments in Apigee Edge are rightly configured. APIs are working fine through Post man or browser.

But when i call my APIs through Dev Portal SmartDocs, it always give me 404 Response. (Means Dev Portal is unable to find my Edge server? Whereas Telnet is working fine from Dev portal Server).

Is there anything wrong with Dev Portal Installation or configuration? Moreover, I'm unable to make openAPI specifications using apigee2openapi module. It's also giving me same error : "Received error 404 when fetching proxy". (Telnet is working fine for URL port).

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@Abdullah Ahmed , Do you see any errors in the console, I believe it's the smartdocs proxy endpoint. Please check browser console for errors / network tab. Keep us posted.

@Anil Sagar , I found no error in console or Network tab of browser's developer tool. In network tab my Request URL is like :

Request URL: http://xx.x.xx.x:59001/smartdocs/v1/sendrequest?targeturl=http%3A%2F%2Fxx.x.xx.y%3A9001%2Fbase%2Fv1%3Fapikey%3Dl7QRUE3nP6j4BmRlduihZ2uN3ZHlb4ul&_=1477299714372

Request Method : Get
Status Code : 200 OK
Remote Address: xx.x.xx.x:59001

(xx.x.xx.x is Dev Portal IP, xx.x.xx.y is edge portal IP)

my targetURL is working fine from Postman.

@Abdullah Ahmed, I doubt community can help solve your issue since it's opdk & error is something very generic. I suggest you to contact Apigee support.