IP1=[1-node IP] ## Management Server configuration. # Management Server IP address and port MSIP=$IP1 MGMT_PORT=8080 # Edge sys admin username and password as set when you installed Edge. ADMIN_EMAIL=[sysAdmin] APIGEE_ADMINPW=[sysAdminPW] # Set the protocol for the Edge management API. Default is http. # Set to https if you enabled TLS on the management API. MS_SCHEME=http ## Postgres configuration. # Postgres IP address and port PG_HOST=$IP1 PG_PORT=5432 # Postgres username and password as set when you installed Edge. PG_USER=[pgUser] PG_PWD=[pgPW] # The name of the OAuth client used to connect to apigee-sso. # The default client name is edgeui. EDGEUI_SSO_CLIENT_NAME=edgeui # Oauth client password using uppercase, lowercase, number, and special chars. EDGEUI_SSO_CLIENT_SECRET=[mySecret] ## Apigee SSO module configuration. #Choose either "saml" or "ldap". SSO_PROFILE="ldap" # Externally accessible IP or DNS name of apigee-sso. SSO_PUBLIC_URL_HOSTNAME=$IP1 SSO_PG_DB_NAME=[pgDBName] # Default port is 9099. If changing, set both properties to the same value. SSO_PUBLIC_URL_PORT=9099 SSO_TOMCAT_PORT=9099 # Set Tomcat TLS mode to DEFAULT to use HTTP access to apigee-sso. SSO_TOMCAT_PROFILE=DEFAULT SSO_PUBLIC_URL_SCHEME=http # SSO admin user name. The default is ssoadmin. SSO_ADMIN_NAME=ssoadmin # SSO admin password using uppercase, lowercase, number, and special chars. SSO_ADMIN_SECRET=[ssoSecret] # Path to signing key and secret from Create the TLS keys and certificates above. SSO_JWT_SIGNINIG_KEY_FILEPATH=/opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-sso/jwt-keys/privkey.pem SSO_JWT_VERIFICATION_KEY_FILEPATH=/opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-sso/jwt-keys/pubkey.pem ########################################################### # Define External IDP # # Use one of the following configuration blocks to # # define your IDP settings: # # - SAML configuration properties # # - LDAP Direct Binding configuration properties # # - LDAP Indirect Binding configuration properties # ########################################################### ## LDAP Direct Binding configuration # Insert this section into your base configuration file, as described previously. # The type of LDAP profile; in this case, "direct" SSO_LDAP_PROFILE=direct # The base URL to which SSO connects; in the form: "ldap://hostname_or_IP:port SSO_LDAP_BASE_URL=ldap://[ldapIP]:[ldapPort] # Attribute name used by the LDAP server to refer to the user's email address; for example, "mail" SSO_LDAP_MAIL_ATTRIBUTE=userPrincipalName # Pattern of the user's DN; for example: =cn=[0], ou=people, dc=example,dc=org SSO_LDAP_USER_DN_PATTERN=cn={0},ou=Utilisateurs,ou=[myCompany],dc=[myDom],dc=[org] # Configure an SMTP server so that the Apigee SSO module can send emails to users SKIP_SMTP=n # Skip now and configure later by specifying "y". SMTPHOST=[smtpHost] SMTPUSER=[smtpUser] SMTPPASSWORD=[smtpPW] SMTPSSL=n SMTPPORT=25 # If no SSL, use a different port, such as 25. SMTPMAILFROM="Apigee "