All mass59's Badges

mass59 has earned 6 badges!
  • Founders
    Earned by 9,766
    Badge for the Site Founders
  • Next '21 Attendee
    Next '21 Attendee
    Earned by 131
    This badge is awarded to community members that attended the Google Cloud Next '21 Conference.
  • Authored Posts 1
    Authored Posts 1
    Earned by 37,915
    Badge for your 1st Authored post
  • Likes Given 1
    Likes Given 1
    3 weeks ago
    Earned by 38,981
    Badge for your 1st Like given
  • Likes Given 5
    Likes Given 5
    3 weeks ago
    Earned by 6,238
    Badge for your 5th Like given
  • Likes Given 10
    Likes Given 10
    3 weeks ago
    Earned by 2,835
    Badge for your 10th Like given