Concerned about lack of response and possible fraud


I have a problem with my Google gSuite referral payouts and due to some strange things that have happened, including a general lack of response to emails, I am wondering if some fraud occurred and my payout was stolen/misdirected.

I have emailed nice emails, not mentioning the fraud concerns, but I don't get responses.... and in the past when I did, they took weeks if replied too at all.

I am really wondering what is going on - it seems "off"

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Hi @Expert1 ,

Thank you for reaching out. And we are sorry for the issues you have been experiencing.

Could you please share your referral link, so we can have a look at your referral records.

Thank you

Hello - thank you - I would love to share the referral link - but I am unsure what it is as I had an account with referrals under a non-google email address, and was instructed by Google to setup a google email address, of which they said they moved the pending referrals over too.... but I don't have a referral link for this new google email based account.
How can I get that link for this new account?

Hi @Expert1,

You unique referral link should look like this: It is what you would share with your potential referrals/clients by placing it on your website and sharing it to your contacts by email.

You can find your referral link by either copying it from your very first Welcome email and you can find it in the Dashboard email that is sent to you on a regular basis:


Hope this helps

Understood - but I never got the welcome as my non-gmail email program was supposedly moved to the new gmail based email, and my referrals moved.
The reason I am concerned as in this new account, no referrals are showing (had three in the non-gmail email based one), and when I was sent the original email to setup payment - it had an unrecognized email in the payment setup link.  This is why I am concerned about the referrals I had being misappropriated.  I did contact referral support with the details including the suspect email that was linked to my account which I recorded - but never received a response.

I requested via email to just now my referral link and I am awaiting a response.

Hi @Expert1,

Please check to confirm that I have replied to your email just now.


I requested the link - as I never received this as it was a move from a non-gmail based email referral account.

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