Reducing Comment Windows in Pageless Google Docs

I am loving having the ability to use docs in a pageless format to maximize screen space. However, I have noticed that when a comment is tagged on a document, it creates a window to the right-hand side of the screen that takes up quite a bit of real estate-- Does anyone know if there is a way to toggle this window to minimize it?  If not, that would be a feature that would significantly improve user experience as it seems silly to have to clear all comments on my docs to get this real estate back. 

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Yes! Agreed. I would love a solution to this issue as well whether it is a present fix or possibly a future Google Doc development. The comments window is rather intrusive to the flow of a pageless document.

One of the best ways to get this sort of feedback to the team is via the built in feedback links within whatever Google product. In the case of Docs, it's under the Help menu ("Help Docs improve"). I have it on good authority that feedback sent that way does go pretty directly to the team in question, and that the product managers do pay attention to it (even though they don't respond).



Thanks for the tip. Iโ€™ll do just that. --

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