How to remove a suspended subscription from the Partner Sales Console

Hi all,

I would like to remove a suspended subscription for some of my customers in the Partner Sales Console, but it looks like I can't find the remove/delete option.

Daniel_Koenig_1-1711618766975.pngAm I missing something, or this can't be achieved via the Partner Sales Console interface?

Would it be possible via API?

Thanks in advance.

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@Daniel_Koenig ah, yes, I misunderstood you wanted to only remove one of them: my only suggestion is to Create a support case in the Google Cloud Support Portal to remove it.

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@Daniel_Koenig the only way I know of doing it is to transfer the subscription to Google (you'll keep on getting emails from Google saying you need to transfer every so often when the licence is suspended)

@StephenHindyou are now the second one who told me that this is the only solution but still it is hard for me to believe this as I don't see any reason why as a resller I should not be able to remove a no longer needed subscription. I'll probably have to accept it and hope for a future "fix".

@Daniel_Koenig transferring back to Google is removing them from your console.  if the customer doesn't belong to you it belongs to Google.  Google will always be involved so the removal process is to transfer back to Google

@StephenHindmaybe there is a misunderstanding. I don't want to remove the whole customer. As you can see in my screenshot, this customer has two SKUs assigned: "Business Starter" and "Business Standard". The Standard is no longer needed and should be removed, but the Starter should stay.
Moving just the Standard SKU to Google is not possible. Moving the whole customer to Google, removing the unwanted SKU and transferring the customer back to us would solve the issue, but firstly, it is quite a hustle, and secondly, it has a negative impact financially.
Therefore, I'm not sure if there is really no feasible solution for this?

@Daniel_Koenig ah, yes, I misunderstood you wanted to only remove one of them: my only suggestion is to Create a support case in the Google Cloud Support Portal to remove it.