Hello from Sonora, Mexico

In what part of the world do you reside? Obregón city, Sonora, México.

What do you work on? Google Workspace Admin in my School, training others teacher in Google Certified Education and teacher.

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning? I'm teacher near 30 years ago. By differing circumstances of life and by the way I teach digital tools use in education the most of these years I enjoy teach and learn about how new technologies impact in schools (also over learning and evaluation process -(sorry for my students 😅)). First I using several Microsoft tools, but from several years ago I'm using Google for Education Apps, including administration tools. Also, I'm consider me curious about new challenges or innovations using technology and digital tools in Education for share with others educators and Google Admins. If any of these experiences is useful for this community I will love to share my experiences (just have a patience in my answers... you know... a lot of work in IT department 😂 🤷🏻‍♂️ 👨🏻‍💻).


What would you like to get out of this community? I wish to know about successful (also welcome dismiss cases 😅. it's part of our job and life) experiences using Google tools from others Google Admins or educator using Google Apps (overall in Education).


What do you do for fun? Staying with friends (preferably with barbecue 😂), listening music, and overall when the IT projects have a successful and great deployment in my organization 😉

I appreciated the invitation for be part of this great community!

Thanks for Intro @AndrewB 


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Community Manager

Welcome Javier!