How to 'automate' configuration API Gateway (YAML) File?

Hi, Google Cloud Community.

We're using the API Gateway to host our backend APIs (Cloud Run services) with built-in Swagger configuration.

I'm wondering if there's a 3rd-party or any way to convert the swagger OAS3.0 to Swagger 2.0 (API Gateway) automatically? Right now - we're leaning on automating 'api-spec-converter' thru CICD. However, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.



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Hi @cyrille115,

You should take a look at this Stack Overflow post as it referenced a way to OAS3.0 to Swagger 2.0.

It seems you're on the right track on learning Lucybot api-spec-converter, as it converts OpenAI 3.0 to 2.0. below are the links:

Let me know if it helped, thanks!