App engine getting "" failed exited with non zero

Hi I'm trying to deploy app engine using cloud build

I have one doubt previously our images are getting stored in GCR automatically but now as artifactory came into picture wheather my image will store GCR or Artifactory automatically 

Because while we trying to deploy I'm getting above error 


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Hello @Saikumar94  ,Welcome on Google Cloud Community.

New images will be stored at Artifact Registry as GCR will be turned off. AFAIR, I've got notification that existing GCR images should be migrated to Artifact Registry.
"Container Registry is deprecated and scheduled for shutdown. After May 15, 2024, Artifact Registry will host images for the domain by default  in projects without previous Container Registry usage. After March 18, 2025, Container Registry will be shut down. To learn more about your options to upgrade to Artifact Registry, see Prepare for Container Registry shutdown. "
LinkedIn Cloudskillsboost 

Additionally, error you're encountering might be related either with no API enabled on project where Cloud Build is triggered OR with lack of permissions assigned to Cloud Build Service Account. You should check those points also.