Is there any way to list cases which got failed during processing


I am looking for list of case id's for which the playbook had got failed.

Also is there any way through all the failed cases playbooks can be re-run.



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1. Cloud Logging (formerly Stackdriver Logging):
Check the logs in Google Cloud Logging. Many GCP services log their activities, and you can filter the logs based on severity levels (including errors).
Use the GCP Console or the Cloud SDK to query logs using the gcloud logging command-line tool.

Copy code
gcloud logging read "resource.type=your_resource_type AND severity>=ERROR"

2. Monitoring with Cloud Monitoring:
Set up monitoring and alerts using Cloud Monitoring. You can create alerts based on specific conditions, including error rates or failed operations.
Use Cloud Monitoring dashboards to visualize metrics and identify patterns related to failures.

3. Error Reporting:
Some GCP services provide error reporting features that aggregate and display errors. For example, Cloud Storage provides an Error Reporting page where you can view and analyze errors related to your buckets.

4. Error Handling in Cloud Functions:
If you are using Cloud Functions, you can log errors within your function code. You can use the Cloud Console or the Cloud SDK to view logs specific to your Cloud Function.

5. Error Notifications and Stackdriver Trace:
Set up error notifications for specific services. For example, you can configure Cloud Pub/Sub notifications for errors in Cloud Storage.
Use Stackdriver Trace to trace the execution of requests across your services. It can help identify where failures are occurring.

6. Custom Monitoring and Logging:
Depending on your application, you might have implemented custom logging within your code. Check your application logs for error messages.
Utilize any third-party logging or monitoring tools that you've integrated into your GCP environment.

7. Error Reporting in BigQuery:
For BigQuery, check the job history in the BigQuery Console to identify any failed queries or jobs. Error messages are typically detailed in the job history.

8. Use Cloud Operations Suite (Beta):
Google Cloud's Operations Suite (Beta) provides features for observability, monitoring, and troubleshooting. Explore this suite for additional tools and features to identify and diagnose issues.

You can always check for GCP documentation for this problem it gives accurate information thats helps a alot. Thank You.