Stories of the Incredible Women in The Arcade!

Facing the challenges in The Arcade is not everyone’s cup of tea! In anticipation of International Women's Day, we're reaching out to all the heroic women in the Arcade!

As future pioneers in the world of technology, your experiences and insights are invaluable!


We Would Love To Know:

1) Your Google Cloud Skills Boost Profile - to send you credits 🙂 

2) Your Journey with the Arcade:

3) Impact on Google Cloud Skills:

4) Influence on Your Career:

5) Cherished Moments in the Arcade:

As a big thank you, we're excited to offer 25 GCSB Credits to each woman who shares her journey with Google Cloud so far!

The Arcade is designed to provide an inclusive cloud learning experience for all. So, don’t forget to share this opportunity with your friends, colleagues, and family, or any woman that you know of who wants to set sail in the Cloud!

See you in the Cloud!

P.S. We will be taking responses till the end of this week i.e. 10th March 2024....grab those no-cost credits soon!

18 31 1,938

Hi , 

My name is Priyal Mittal . And i have started arcade recently. My journey with Google Cloud began as a playing games and winning but then today it became quest for knowledge and skill in the bustling world of The Arcade. This virtual arena wasn't just a platform but indeed it was a vibrant community where challenges were opportunities and learning was an adventure and people help each other. Not just credit sharing but solving doubts is where google cloud community helps .My Google Cloud Skills Boost Profile , being a learner is improving rapidly.And here is my journey:

Each course in The Arcade unfolded like a new chapter in a captivating novel. From "Digital Transformation with Google Cloud" to "Introduction to Responsible AI," I eagerly absorbed every lesson, honing my skills and expanding my understanding.The impact on my Google Cloud skills was profound. The hands-on challenges and interactive courses provided practical experience that empowered me to tackle complex concepts with ease. The labs helped me to gain confidence of my learnings.My treasured moments comes when i earn badges and collect points in The Arcade recent one was earning the "Badge for Level 3: GenAIus Heroes." As I continue my adventure in The Arcade and the Google Cloud community, I do so with unwavering enthusiasm and a deep-rooted passion for learning. I look forward to sharing my experiences and insights, inspiring others to embark on their own quests for knowledge and skill in the world of cloud computing. i have developed my interest in cloud and wanna learn more and more.

Thank you for sharing your journey Priyal. It is truly inspiring! : )

@Yugali hey yugali try for better products this time.

Last arcade very cheap items were selected even the desk collective was damaged.


My Arcade journey began because my work moved from the another domain to the cloud domain a couple of years ago. I had no clue about cloud and even how to create a VM. Fortunately, someone introduced me to The Arcade and I spent so many weekends learning new skills and even now I am curious to learn more and more (those points and swags are really unexpected bonus !). The Arcade converted this rookie to a person who can answer few questions and surprise people about her knowledge of cloud computing! 😀

Thank you @emily and @Yugali and kudos @PriyalMittal12 for wording your experience so well!

A very Happy Women's day to all of us. We are already on cloud nine courtesy the Arcade ☁️

Thanks for sharing your experience. We are glad we could be a part of your learning journey!!! : ) 

Hello I'm shine, going through Google Arcade was like going on a fun trip through Google Cloud. Each level taught me something new about how to use Google Cloud tools. From basic stuff like storing data to more complicated things like using artificial intelligence, every part of the Arcade had something interesting to learn.

Playing in the Arcade helped me get better at using Google Cloud. I learned how to set up and manage cloud systems, and I got better at solving problems that come up when using them. The hands-on challenges made me feel more confident in using Google Cloud services for different projects.

Playing in the Arcade didn't just make me better at using Google Cloud—it also helped me in my career. The skills I learned there have made me more valuable to employers and opened up new job opportunities for me. Now, I just feel like learning more and more everyday, really excited for upcoming levels at arcade!

Amazing Shine!! We're so glad we could help you with your career! Can you please share your Google Cloud Skills Boost profile so we can give you credits to help you achieve new milestones in the Arcade? 

My Arcade Journey Stared Recently, When I accidentally found a youtube video to Earn Swags from Google. I had no idea What is Cloud and how it works, nothing. Then I started to Complete lab and day-by-day I enjoyed it and I started to invest my Free time to Arcade unknowingly. When I noticed My Wasting time in Social Media is being used in the Arcade for Learning Cloud Skills, I was very Happy.

   Special Thanks to The Arcade Team!!!...

    The labs helped me to gain Confidence of my learnings. My Treasured moments comes when I earn badges and collect points. Yeah It's great learning experience for me apart from boring Academics.


Thanks for sharing your journey Sinchana. We are glad we were able to kickstart your journey in Google Cloud. 🙂 

 Can you please share your Google Cloud Skills Boost profile so we can give you credits to help you to gain more points in the Arcade? 


I am Anjali Uniyal, a pre-final year student of BTech in Computer Science and Engineering. My journey with the Arcade community began with the allure of goodies, exciting labs, and the promise of valuable knowledge. As I stepped into this virtual realm, I found myself surrounded by like-minded individuals eager to explore the vast landscape of Google Cloud. The hands-on challenges, workshops, and interactive events offered by the Arcade are not only exciting but also incredibly enriching. Each activity presents an opportunity to learn something new, earn rewards, and contribute to a vibrant community of learners.

Since joining the community, I've found immense joy in dedicating my time to the labs offered by the Arcade. The combination of goodies, exciting labs, and knowledge-rich resources has made learning both enjoyable and rewarding. Through the hands-on labs provided by the Arcade, I'm gaining practical experience in deploying and managing applications. With each new challenge I undertake, I can feel my confidence growing, and my skills evolving, all thanks to the engaging platform provided by the Arcade.

My decision to join the Arcade was driven by the desire to enhance my skills. The rewards offered by the Arcade serve as a testament to my dedication and expertise, further bolstering my career prospects.

Every moment spent in the Arcade is cherished, filled with excitement, learning, and discovery. Whether it's unlocking a new lab, earning rewards for completing challenges, each experience leaves a lasting impression. I have recently completed The Arcade Trivia February, The Arcade Certification Zone, Level 3: GenAIus Conversations, Arcade Carnival. The sense of accomplishment and the thrill of unlocking rewards made the experience truly gratifying. As I continue my journey in the Arcade, I look forward to creating many more cherished moments while expanding my knowledge and skills in the world of Google Cloud.

Thank you @Yugali ma'am for providing us with the opportunity to share our journey on this platform.

Hello Anjali!! 

Thank you so much for sharing your journey. We are glad we are able to add value to your skillset. : ) 


I am Renuka, an engineering student majoring in artificial intelligence and data science. My introduction to the arcade community was sparked by the allure of its offerings—from enticing rewards to engaging labs—and the promise of valuable knowledge. Stepping into this virtual realm, I found myself surrounded by fellow enthusiasts eager to navigate the expansive landscape of Google Cloud. The hands-on challenges, workshops, and interactive events curated by the arcade are not only exhilarating but also profoundly enriching. Each activity presents a unique opportunity to acquire new skills, earn rewards, and contribute to a dynamic community of learners.Since becoming a member, I have found great fulfillment in devoting my time to the labs provided by the Arcade. The combination of enticing rewards, stimulating labs, and knowledge-rich resources has made the learning experience both enjoyable and fruitful. Through these hands-on labs, I am gaining invaluable practical experience in deploying and managing applications. With each new challenge I undertake, I can sense a tangible growth in my confidence and a significant evolution of my skills, all facilitated by the engaging platform offered by the Arcade.

My decision to join the arcade was fueled by a strong desire to enhance my skill set. The rewards provided by the arcade serve as a tangible acknowledgement of my dedication and expertise, further enhancing my career prospects. Every moment spent within the arcade is cherished and filled with excitement, learning, and discovery. Whether it's unlocking a new lab or earning rewards for completing challenges, each experience leaves a lasting impression. Recently, I successfully completed The Arcade Trivia February, The Arcade Certification Zone, Level 3: GenAIUS Conversations, and the Arcade Carnival. The sense of achievement and the excitement of unlocking rewards made these experiences truly gratifying. As I continue my journey within the arcade, I eagerly look forward to creating many more memorable moments while expanding my knowledge and skills in the realm of Google Cloud.

I extend my gratitude to @Yugali  ma'am, for providing us with this platform to share our journeys.


Hi Renuka, 

Thanks for being a part of the Arcade and sharing your journey! We hope you use the skills gained in the Arcade to grow your career in AI and data science!! All the best : ) 


I'm Barsha Saha. As we commemorate International Women's Day, I wanted to take a moment to extend a special greeting to all the remarkable women who make the Arcade platform what it is today.Arcade team members especially women members presence and contributions not only shape the Arcade platform but also inspire and empower all participants like me every day.

My journey with the Arcade has been nothing short of extraordinary. And I have started Arcade  very recent.It all started with a casual encounter on YouTube, where I stumbled upon an opportunity to earn Swags from Google. Intrigued, I delved deeper and found myself immersed in a world of learning through the Arcade platform. Day by day, I dedicated my free time to completing labs, conquering challenges, and expanding my knowledge of Cloud technology. What began as a simple curiosity soon blossomed into a full-fledged passion for learning and growth.

The Arcade has had a profound impact on my Google Cloud skills. Through its interactive labs and engaging challenges, I've gained hands-on experience and deepened my understanding of various Google Cloud services and solutions. The platform has equipped me with the confidence and expertise needed to tackle real-world scenarios, making me a more competent and effective practitioner in the field of Cloud technology.

The skills and knowledge acquired through the Arcade have significantly influenced my career trajectory. By mastering Google Cloud technologies, I've opened up new opportunities for advancement and specialization within the tech industry. Employers value practical experience and proficiency in Cloud computing, and thanks to the Arcade, I'm well-equipped to meet their demands and excel in my chosen career path.

There have been many cherished moments during my time in the Arcade, but earning badges and collecting points stand out as particularly memorable. Each badge symbolizes a milestone achieved, a challenge overcome, and serves as a testament to my dedication and perseverance. From January 2024 I have successfully earned till 12 badges and 9 skill certificates.. Additionally, the sense of camaraderie within the Arcade community has made every achievement feel even more rewarding. Whether it's celebrating success with fellow learners or collaborating on complex projects, these shared experiences have enriched my journey and made my time in the Arcade truly unforgettable.

On this special day, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your invaluable contributions to the Arcade community. I feel truly privileged to be a part of this incredible journey with Arcade.

Special Thanks to The Arcade Team and specially  @Yugali for giving me this opportunity to share  my experience!!

Happy Women's Day!!!


Hi Barsha, 

Thank you for sharing your journey. 12 Badges and 9 Skill badges is amazing!! You have already unlocked the standard milestone!! Congratulations!! 🎊 

Hi, Yugali! 

Im Konstanza, I am from Chile, a small but large country at the end of the world. I would like to start this by thanking you, but in Spanish which would be my native language "GRACIAS!"
Now I will go on, sorry for going round in circles. I was given a cloudskillsboost class at my school, however there is always something to learn, I feel that there is a lot of content that I did not know existed until I started to find out, to see, to try to review documents and woow, it is amazing how incredible these platforms become for any student or person with a desire to evolve in computer science. Unfortunately, I found that many items required credits, in Qwiklab for example in The Arcade I can't unlock items or credentials without having credits. I would really like to have the opportunity to participate and continue to improve... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!


¡Hola Konstanza! 

Entiendo español hasta cierto punto. Lo siento, sólo puedo hablar en tiempo presente. 😛 

¡Muchas gracias por participar en Arcade y compartir tu viaje!

Hi, I'm Nandhagopan. Through youtube platform recently I had known about the google arcade program. Then I went to google and search more on arcade program. I decided to take part in this program and successfully entered into it. 

Playing in the Arcade helped me get better at using Google Cloud. I learned how to set up and manage cloud systems, and I got better at solving problems that come up when using them. The hands-on challenges made me feel more confident in using Google Cloud services for different projects.

Each labs and programs are truly exemplary in nature. The skill badges I've earned helped me to learn more than than the arcade program. It gives immense ideas on other google products also. Clubbing other google products with cloud is funny to learn.

Looking forward for new and amazing arcade challenges ahead😉

Hi My Name is Shivani, And I have started my arcade 6 months ago, learned so many new things practically. before jumping into the arcade games I did not know about this platform. Each Lab is Very Interactive and very easy to coordinate. All I want to thank Google team for providing us such a useful platform. Also With this I have  joined Google cloud community as well as woman tech-makers team. Looking  further for more opportunities. 

Wishing  a very Happy Woman's Day To All the ladies.Thanks @Yugali 

Hi, my name is Deepal Gupta. When I saw someone had posted about a Google Cloud challenge level, I didn't know how to participate or what it entailed. But I really wanted to try my hand at Google Cloud challenges. Then, unexpectedly, a form from the GDSC team circulated about Google Cloud Gems. I decided to participate in this program. I completed the lab challenges and earned skills badges, learning something new along the way.  I started from a point of not knowing how to participate in a Google Cloud challenge to successfully completing various challenges and gaining valuable knowledge about Google Cloud services and tools.  The experience I gained from completing challenges and earning badges became a valuable asset on my resume, opening up new career opportunities for me in the cloud computing domain.  .

Special thanks to The Arcade Team and especially to @Yugali for giving me this opportunity to share my experience! and looking forward  to do a something new and challenges.

Happy Women's Day!

here is the google cloud profile link :


Happy International Women's Day to the remarkable women who:

Break barriers: You shatter glass ceilings and pave the way for future generations.💃

Build empires: From businesses to families, you create legacies with passion and strength. ❤️

Inspire us all: Your kindness, resilience, and brilliance light up the world.

Today, and every day, we celebrate YOU!🎉👏

Thank you to all the Google Cloud Arcade girls who participated in this game!👌

Thank you @Yugali for this post.

#InternationalWomensDay #WomenWhoInspire


My name is Priya.I started with Google Cloud on suggestion of my friend. I comleted labs and learned a lot of things . Labs give me an opportunity to learn practically and increased my confidence level. I earned swags from Google Cloud which also gives me a lot of happiness. It helped me a lot to increase my knowledge. Thanks a lot to the cloud team!!

1) My Profile Link:-

2)My Journey with the Arcade:

It has been an incredible journey so far, it started with just starting a challenge, then I got into Cloud as well for the 1st time, then I loved the GCP labs, the topics, everything. I love the challenges, the fun quests, the ai quests and labs, the helpful community members, the responsive and supportive staff, the thrill of exploring the various GCP services. It has been a journey,  which started with curiosity, genuine interest, then enthusiasm, competitiveness, but now I am just glad I joined this challenge.

Hope to learn more and to even better memories.

3) Impact on Google Cloud Skills:-

My Google Cloud skills have gone through a tremendous change, from a complete noob in not only Google Cloud Platform but any of Cloud Platform services, but now I have explored and have at least the basics of many of the Google Cloud services, and have also explored several other CSP as well. It has been a great journey so far of learning Cloud Computing, and especially GCP.

4)  Influence on My Career:-

It hasn't has any influence on my career as of now, since I am still a full-time student. But yup, it has become a possible career option for me , just because of Arcade and my journey so far.

5) Cherished Moments in the Arcade:-

Every moment is cherised, from the time I subscribed to Arcade to now, when I have gained so much knowledge, experience, and some friends along the way.

Happy Women's Day to every Strong Women!!...

My Arcade Journey Stared Recently, I Completed Feb Labs and I started to invest in Arcade as a game, which is Treasure Bank of Cloud Skills. 

   Thanks to The Arcade Team for this wonderful opportunity!!!...

    The labs are Comprehensive in nature. I Celebrate Moments when I earned badges and collect points. I look forward to creat many more cherished moments while expanding my knowledge and skills in the Google Cloud. Great Learning Journey....


My Profile link

Hey everyone, thankful to be part of this community and representing women in technology!

1) Your Google Cloud Skills Boost Profile

2) Your Journey with the Arcade

  • I've been playing the Arcade since Oct 2022 starting with the Diwali Game Badges and have not stopped playing since! This is my fourth season with Google Cloud Arcade games and looking forward to many more games and badges to collect! 😀

3) Impact on Google Cloud Skills

  • Thanks to the free credits to do numerous labs, I've experimented with so many GCP products/services, but some of my favourites include using BigQuery, Looker Studio, Cloud Vision API, AppSheet and many more. I've also enjoyed some of the latest labs of exploring GenAI tools such as Vertex AI and hopefully more labs with access to experiment with Gemini!

4) Influence on Your Career

  • I work as a full-stack developer, so knowledge of cloud technology is very applicable. Although my company mainly uses AWS and Azure to host different products, knowing GCP makes it easier to work with other cloud platforms. I love using GCP and we do use a lot of other Google products at our company so I wouldn't be surprised if we start using GCP for new initiatives. While I don't need to deal with the intricacies of cloud infrastructure for my day-to-day tasks, I would feel right at home if we do end up using Google Cloud in the future. 😊 

5) Cherished Moments in the Arcade

  • My favourite moment would definitely be the satisfaction of receiving my prizes in the mail after spending so much time collecting points every season! So far, I've received stickers, a travel mug, a cap, two different organizers, a tote bag and a backpack. I'm still awaiting last season's prizes, especially the Google Cloud hoodie!


My name is Neha Jalan. My journey to Arcade was very accidental,I was looking for Google cloud certifications and stumbled upon the Arcade.

As I digged deeper I was intrigued with the entire ecosystem ,slowly and steadily I developed a huge interest for solving the labs and the skill programs.I started participating in all the cloud events and this journey has been quite insightful. As the week task end I wait for another week similarly as the month end I look forward to another months lab and learnings.

All these practical knowledge have been very helpful in my career I have handson experience of the cloud platform now.


I am Purvee, I've been playing Arcade since Jan 2022, and I haven't stopped playing since! 

Thanks to the free credits to do numerous labs, I've experimented with many GCP products and services. Some of my favourites include data management platforms like BigQuery, MongoDB, Google Datastore and also  Looker Studio, Cloud Vision API, AppSheet, Google Spanner, and Google Firestore.

My favourite moment in Arcade is receiving my prizes in the mail after spending so much time collecting points every season! So far, I've received stickers, a travel mug, a cap, organizers, a hoodie, shirts, backpack and awaiting this season's prizes.

My journey with the Arcade has been incredible. It started with just a challenge, then I got into Cloud for the first time, and now I love the GCP labs, the quests, the AI labs, the helpful community members, and the responsive staff. It has been a journey that started with curiosity and genuine interest and has now become an integral part of my learning and growth. I look forward to creating many more cherished moments while expanding my knowledge and skills in Google Cloud. It's been a great learning journey, and I can't wait to see where it takes me next!




Hello I'm Prachi, have started arcade recently. My journey with Google Cloud began as a playing games and winning but then today it became quest for knowledge and skill in the bustling world of The Arcade. This virtual arena wasn't just a platform but indeed it was a vibrant community where challenges were opportunities and learning was an adventure and people help each other. Not just credit sharing but solving doubts is where google cloud community helps .My Google Cloud Skills Boost Profile , being a learner is improving rapidly.And here is my journey.

Playing in the Arcade helped me get better at using Google Cloud. I learned how to set up and manage cloud systems, and I got better at solving problems that come up when using them. The hands-on challenges made me feel more confident in using Google Cloud services for different projects.

Playing in the Arcade didn't just make me better at using Google Cloud—it also helped me in my career. The skills I learned there have made me more valuable to employers and opened up new job opportunities for me. Now, I just feel like learning more and more everyday, really excited for upcoming levels at arcade!

Thank you @Yugali ma'am for providing us with the opportunity to share our journey on this platform.

Participant I

Hey everyone, thankful to be part of this community and representing women in technology!

My Arcade Journey Stared Recently, When I accidentally found a youtube video to Earn Swags from Google. I had no idea What is Cloud and how it works, nothing. Then I started to Complete lab and day-by-day I enjoyed it and I started to invest my Free time to Arcade unknowingly. When I noticed My Wasting time in Social Media is being used in the Arcade for Learning Cloud Skills, I was very Happy.

Special Thanks to The Arcade Team!!!...

The labs helped me to gain Confidence of my learnings. My Treasured moments comes when I earn badges and collect points. Yeah It's great learning experience for me apart from boring Academics.


Hi there,

My name is Prapti Kamble. I am a college student pursuing B.Tech. I know the session of responding has expired. But for my satisfaction, I am replying to you. My arcade journey started a few days ago, I was in search of something great &efficient to learn easily, while scrolling through my Linkedin feed I got to know about Arcade. And from that time I started my arcade journey. Arcade is full of learning and exploring the real-time work. I am loving the Arcade journey so far. Its reward section is more exciting than any other platform, which include goodies & swags!

Thank you @Yugali 

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