Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge: Update

Hello everyone!

Thanks for playing - we have reached the difficult decision to end the Learn to Earn challenge. We’ve been working to return labs to health, but the bugs are still swarming.

We’ll keep working on the bugs, but you’ve worked hard (and played hard!) to gain new skills and reach milestones. If you are eligible for a prize based on badges earned up to this point, watch for an email next week. 

Speaking of prizes, we’ll be adjusting tiers. Previously you needed a minimum of four challenge badges to be eligible for swag, plus the pre-requisite skill badge. Given the challenge closure, we’re starting prize eligibility at three Learn to Earn Cloud: Data Challenge badges. You’ll still need the pre-requisite skill badge too. 

You can review the badges you’ve earned in your profileTo receive email from us, please check your communication preferences and consider adding us to your address list.

Learn to Earn Data Challenge: Updated tiersLearn to Earn Data Challenge: Updated tiers

Alternate routes

We know we’ve cut this short, and I want to let you know that I’m personally very sorry for the inconvenience. Here are a few alternate routes for adding data skills to your repertoire: 

Explore courses designed to help you understand how to bring a data-first approach to your current and future jobs: 

Again, I’m terribly sorry for the closure. Thank you, as always, for being here and hope you’ll join us next time! 

Speaking of next time, if you're still reading, drop us a note and tell us what skills you're interested in learning next 👇 📚

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Great decision

Waiting for the mail to come.

If anyone has any problem you can dm me.

Hey Emily , I just want to bring to your kind notice that there people who tried to complete all the badges but due to the bugs issue in the last 2 badges , data science and database engineering, they completed more than 70% of the badge but were unable to complete the 2 labs which had bugs in them instead of trying a million times. They also reached to the support team but they simply said the labs are under some maintenance. So Please reconsider the prizing eligibility criteria, by allowing students who have completed more than 70% labs in the last 2 badges to be eligible for that badge and based upon that the prizing criteria should be updated !

Support Me guys if you think i am Correct.

@emily927 Please help with this issue.

Interested to learn more from Google cloud 

I'm interested in learning analytics tools and database systems like SQL , business intelligence , tableau ..

@emily927  many of us  have completed only 2 badges please shift the swag eligibility to "any 3 badges to any  2 badges "its a request . We did our hard work . Please change this . 

@emily927 yes plese

Thanks for letting us know 👍

What skills I'm interested in learning next? I'm preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect, what do you recommend?

Best regards
David Regalado
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Former Community Member
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@emily927 Thanks for the update,

Sad that challenge ended, was an amazing journey and experience.

Waiting for the next challenge, I'm interested in learning something related to SRE and Artificial Intelligence.

Former Community Member
Not applicable


Please clear two major doubts 

1. What are the new prize rules? Please clear everything do we have option to choose or whatever like how many badges will offer what 

2. Will FCFS algorithm rule out the prizes when mails are dropped, I mean are there chances that a guy who fills form fast may get better swag when compared to the guy who fills form late and both have equal number of badges 

i didn't know about your 2nd Q but for the 1st Q please see this image google.png

Yes First Come First Serve (FCFS) will be applied here as the prizes are limited so the early you fill the form there is more chance of you to get the prize you want.

I completed all 3 badges of previous week and almost completed the second week badges also i was only left with 1 lab in each, and that was because of issue in lab, i think they should also consider the percentage of other two badges if they want a fair decision 

Same with me 

But what we do if they consider that there may be lots of people so just forget it

And let's wait for new challenges

@emily927 Thanks for the update

Sad to see that challenge ended unexpectedly, was an amazing journey

excited and waiting for new challenges and quests!!

Interested in learning SRE

I have both prerequisite badges and machine learning badge. But i missed sports data analyst one and fees labs were not working in the data science and one the other one. Due to that i wasn't able to do those labs. With 2 badges and 1 quest badge . Is there any chance of getting any reward???

@Abhishek213 plz tell bro😭??

Sorry to say but you'll not be eligible for any swags.

Don't worry Learn2earn comes every 3-4 months


Ok no problem this was my first program so was a bit excited. Anyway thanks for information.

bro learn to earn comes once in a year

@brlikhon wrote:

bro learn to earn comes once in a year

I am not sure but last year it came in month of December and January (security challenge)

No this time it came twice

the prize criteria is 

How many Badge did you Completed?

I earned pre requisite badge with  3 badges and i was just to complete my 4th badge there was some error in the last lab so it stayed in 70% and i was unable to complete that. So will i be eligible for a prize that was for 4 badges? 


No, you'll not be eligible for 2 tier but eligible for 1 tier


I have 5 badges but its totally unfair for those who has 3 badges

Yea, but I thinks it's fine 

I have 3 badges only


Yeah it is unfair brother ! 

No, atleast 3 coloured badges needed. You only have 2.

Sorry bro I dont think so.

It was very inscribable to participate in this challenge while it lasted. I hope to be eligible, greetings from Peru. I share my public profile. https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/cd647572-e84c-42cf-9927-3a4a0e65fc2e

Bro you have 3 badges only

You Will Get an Organizer/Pouch !


Yes kindly take our request. Change the eligibility to at least 2 badges man plz..

Hi Emily, I understand it would have been a difficult decision to end the challenge. It's a bit sad for us too, as many of us were attempting to learn Google AI skills for the first time and it had been an insightful experience with the ML labs. My suggestion and request would be consider providing the badges for the last 2 challenges "Data science" and "Data & Database Engineering Skills" bypassing the need for completion of the 1 or 2 labs which were with bugs and couldn't be completed due to bugs. If labs with no bugs are also incomplete, those instances of badges could be forfeited. I believe a lot of us couldn't get those 2 badges only due to the bugged labs, it would be great if this could be implemented with a defined threshold of bypassed labs.

Looking forward for future challenges, all the best! The community has been great, and it was a great experience!! 🙂

@emily927 why don't you resume the challenge from the same once the issues are resolved so that at least all can get chance to earn the badges again.

it will take more time ..and for swags delivery another 2 months ..so they decided to end it ..they have to organize other events too

mainly lab and zone problems 😓

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