Issue accessing Arcade Trivia May 2024 Week 1

I got an email to access the game for May, but when I entered thc code it's saying 'That access code is incorrect'

This also happened for the April game, and it took me many back and forths with Qwiklab support before they ended up giving me a new code that works. I'm hoping not to have to do it again this month.

Anyone else experiencing the same?

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yeps same here 

Same with me too since last 2 months. I will try to get in touch with QuickLabs for this. This is very frustrating. 

Two things to keep in mind:

1. When using the code received in an Arcade Insider email, use the link provided in the email to redeem it.

2. Make sure you do not copy with the code any spaces. It regularly happens to me.

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