There was an error starting the container.

I created a workstation a few days ago and have been using it since. However, it stopped working this week, and I received the following error message: 'There was an error starting the container.' Has anyone encountered this issue before?

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Hello mustafe,

Welcome to GCC!

If your container failed to start, you have to rule out the following potential causes to resolve the issue.

  1. Verify that you can run your container image locally. If your container image cannot run locally, you need to diagnose and fix the issue locally first.

  2. Check if your container is listening for requests on the expected port as documented in the container runtime contract. Your container must listen for incoming requests on the port that is defined by Cloud Run and provided in the PORT environment variable. See Configuring containers for instructions on how to specify the port.

  3. Check if your container is listening on all network interfaces, commonly denoted as

  4. Verify that your container image is compiled for 64-bit Linux as required by the container runtime contract.

  5. Use Cloud Logging to look for application errors in stdout or stderr logs. You can also look for crashes captured in Error Reporting.

    You might need to update your code or your revision settings to fix errors or crashes. You can also troubleshoot your service locally.