SSL Related

Hi folks.can someone give pros and cons of installing ssl on loadbalancers and installing ssl on servers(VM GCP)

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SSL certificate doesn't matter what vendor you use it will have the same purpose. For your question, it will depend on what you need in your set up. Load balancer is another service that you can use to enhance the needs of your set up. 


For a better understanding of load balancer and its use, you can check this overview[1] of Cloud Load balancer. Once you understand the use and features of the load balancer that will be the time that you can decide if you still need load balancer or you can directly install your ssl certificate in your server.

However, let me also share with you that Cloud Load Balancer has its own SSL certificate and one of its features is that it is automatically renewing. To know more about Google-managed SSL certificate you can check on this link[2]


To sum it all up, the possible pros of Cloud load balancing is that if you need its feature in your setup then you can install your own ssl certificate in the load balancer or use the google-managed ssl certificate to maximize the use of your load balancer. 


The possible cons that I can see is the extra charge that you can get if you use load balancer and not maximize its feature and just use it for ssl certificate, however you can only have the google-managed ssl certificate if Cloud Load balancer is created.

