Retain settings when changing view source

When changing a view's For this data property, nearly all the view's other properties are cleared. It would be very helpful to retain as many values as applicable--or even retain them all and then throw errors if any inapplicable property values remain when the app is saved. I understand there's not a self-evidently ideal default design given that the different data sources that can be selected in the For this data property can have different columns and actions; nonetheless, there's likely some possible improvement.

For example, I have a detail view, with many precise settings (e.g., sort by, assignment of columns and actions to all the elements in the large card layout), that was based on a table. As part of the app's evolution, I created a slice for the table and changed the view to instead be based on the slice. In this case, the slice includes all the table's columns. However, even changing the view's data source from the table to the slice with identical columns reset most of the view's properties. Even the Icon changed, and that's unrelated to any potential difference in columns or actions. The only setting retained was the Display name. In this example, I had to manually replicate exactly every one of the view's original settings. This was tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone: It required first noting outside of AppSheet all the settings to replicate, manually replicating each setting, and then careful proofing to ensure I had accurately replicated them all.

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Silver 5
Silver 5

It looked like a bug to me. I contacted support regarding this issue. They told its the default behaviour. Sometimes it just maintains the property. Here is the post regarding the issue but no one even cared to reply from google. 

Re: Editor UX columns auto reset bug - Google Cloud Community

This is very difficult when we are replicating multiple same view for different slice with same copy/pasted properties.