generic::failed_precondition: due to quota restrictions, cannot run builds in this region

Hi there,

I'm trying to run builds in europe-west4 via GitLab. The trigger en repository seem to be setup right, but when I try to run it I get the error: generic::failed_precondition: due to quota restrictions, cannot run builds in this region

I've checked my quotas and they seem to be set right:


The build comes in like this and without error:


Other builds in the region do work:


How can I solve this?


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Hi @Raynmakers,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Go to IAM & Admin in the cloud console. Scroll down to Quotas in the left hand sidebar and click that. Then add a filter "Service:Cloud build API". Then scroll through all the available quotas and see if any are set at 0. You can then put in a request to increase that quota if it looks like it could be the issue.

Hope this helps!

There is a limit of 300 triggers on a region in a cloud build. You can switch to another region or can request GCP support to increase the quota for your cloud build for that region.