Welcome to the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud Community!

Dear All, 

Welcome to the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud Community!

We are excited to announce that the Cloud Forums have been extended with an "ABAP SDK" label. This means that SAP developers can now start conversations on ABAP SDK within the Cloud Forums.

We are committed to making it easier for ABAP developers to build and deploy applications on Google Cloud Platform. This community is a place for you to ask questions, share knowledge, and collaborate with other ABAP developers who are using Google Cloud.

We have a wealth of resources available to you, including:

  • Launch blog: Calling all SAP developers: Announcing the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud. [Link]

  • Public documentation: This documentation provides detailed instructions on how to use ABAP SDK. [Link]

  • Medium publications: Curated quick references blogs and articles on ABAP SDK for you to follow.  [Link]

  • Community forum: Our developer community forum is a great place to get help from other developers. Simply post your question to with the label "ABAP SDK" and our members will be happy to assist you.

We encourage you to get involved in the community and help us make the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud even better. We have a lot of exciting things planned for the future, and we want you to be a part of it.

Thank you for joining us!


The ABAP SDK for Google Cloud Team

8 2 1,221

Bronze 4
Bronze 4

Great! Our test was successful and we're looking forward to using this. Lots of potential use cases.

Did BigQuery not make the initial release? I can see it mentioned in the blog post, but not in the documentation of the ABAP SDK anymore. Best regards

Congratulations on your discovery!

You've found a hidden gem in the SDK that allows you to work with BigQuery ML.

The /GOOG/CL_BIGQUERY_V2 class can be used to implement a variety of ML use cases using BigQuery ML, including the one you found, or to simply run a SQL query.

What does this mean for you?

With this class, you can directly leverage the power of Google Cortex to make insight based decisions while the business transactions are executed in SAP. This is a game-changer for businesses of all sizes.

We encourage you to explore the SDK and discover more such hidden gems. We're excited to see how you will use it to realize your business scenarios. And if you are willing to share, please do lets us know on what use case you intent to do the BigQuery API, so that we can extend/collaborate based on that feedback.

We want to make the SDK as useful as possible for our users. Please keep the feedback coming! 

Thank you for evaluating the SDK! And stay tuned for future announcements.