Google Cloud Build throwing quota error

I have created a trigger from my repository in Google Cloud Repositories. When I attempt to run the build, it fails before starting and gives me the following error:

"Failed to trigger build: generic::failed_precondition: due to quota restrictions, cannot run builds in this region"

There's no way I am exceeding any quotas because I have never successfully run a build. Everything is set up in the same region. 

I do see that this quota "concurrent Build CPUs (Regional Public Pool) per region per build_origin" is defaulted to zero. I requested to increase it, but I am not sure this will fix the problem. Everything else is set with a limit ≥1 and I am below quotas for everything having to do with Cloud Build API.

Solved Solved
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This was basically it - I had one quota for Cloud Build API set to 0: "Concurrent Build CPUs (Regional Public Pool) per region per build_origin." There was no region attribute, so it was being applied to all regions. I asked to increase that which took a few days; when it was approved my build worked right away.

If anyone else has this problem - go to IAM & Admin in the cloud console. Scroll down to Quotas in the left hand sidebar and click that. Then add a filter "Service:Cloud build API". Then scroll through all the available quotas and see if any are set at 0. You can then put in a request to increase that quota if it looks like it could be the issue.

View solution in original post


I'm getting exactly the same error when running

gcloud compute images import

All my quotas are under 100%, so it might possibly be something with a 0 quota. I'm not entirely sure where to look though.

I was having the same exact issue, and the only way I was able to make it work was by adding --region=west3-a (I tried various regions until the one mentioned here worked).
Not sure if this will be useful

This was basically it - I had one quota for Cloud Build API set to 0: "Concurrent Build CPUs (Regional Public Pool) per region per build_origin." There was no region attribute, so it was being applied to all regions. I asked to increase that which took a few days; when it was approved my build worked right away.

If anyone else has this problem - go to IAM & Admin in the cloud console. Scroll down to Quotas in the left hand sidebar and click that. Then add a filter "Service:Cloud build API". Then scroll through all the available quotas and see if any are set at 0. You can then put in a request to increase that quota if it looks like it could be the issue.

Thanks, that looks promising. Did you have to contact the sales team? My account says I can request an increase between zero and zero! I'm a low user but I've never missed a payment.


Edit: turns out I can import images in the console without additional quotas, as long as I use a VPC in auto subnet creation mode (no IPv6).

Hi @triatic ,

Yes, basically, you would have to contact sales team for that, as your service utilization history might not or didn't meet the required usage of your preferred project.

You can contact sales by following these steps:
1. Click the link.
2. Click "I want to talk to Sales".
3. Click “Go to contact form” and then fill out the form or click “Chat online”.

Google Cloud sales team is available Monday, 9 AM ET, through Friday, 7 PM ET.

@Marvin_Lucero thank you for your reply. I was able to import images in the end without requesting a quota increase. It turns out you can do it within the console as long as the default VPC is in its default state.

got the error when trying to run the following command


gcloud run deploy --source .


changing the region worked for me. Originally attempted with us-west1 but failed then I tried us-west2.  

is increasing quota make me pay additional payment?

I started having this issue a couple of days ago. Increasing the quotas didn't help. What was causing the problem for me, was that I recently upgraded gcloud CLI to 456.0.0.

The fix for me was to downgrade to 455.0.0 by running "gcloud components update --version 455.0.0".

Hope this helps.

Same symptom.

"failed precondition: due to quota restrictions, cannot run builds in this region."

I saw this while running gcloud run deploy .  I have run this deployment many times. I am certain I am not exceeding quotas. 

Coincidentally I had just updated to gcloud sdk 456.  I tried downgrading gcloud SDK via

 gcloud components update --version 455.0.0

And re-ran the gcloud run deploy command. 

It worked. 

Thank you, Its also worked for me. 

Hello @admin ? @robertcarlos  ?

Are you aware of this problem? Per the release notes for 456, gcloud introduced regional builds for Cloud Run in this version. Is something broken that causes this quota error?  Is it safe for me to upgrade to 457?  Is there a workaround?  

Got any other information?  

Thanks. This solved the problem for me as well.

Has someone found a way to make it work with gcloud CLI > 455.0.0?


I just ran into the same issue on 458. I downgraded to 455 and it worked. I would say it's still not safe to upgrade.

This is now fixed in CLI v460.0.0

This worked For me , i wonder why ?

Can you provide more details? What source are you using?  Are you using a nodejs app, and if so what engines version? 

What region?

What gcloud command are you using? 

This is apparently fixed in v460.0.0


I got this answer from the support team:

Depending on usage, projects can be restricted to the following regions[1] for
Cloud Build.

- us-central1
- us-west2
- europe-west1
- asia-east1
- australia-southeast1
- southamerica-east1

If you require that a Cloud Build instance be created outside of one of the
above regions, let me know and I can request an exception from the product team.


And indeed after switching to europe-west1 it works

I upgraded to v460.0.0, and I can confirm that this issue is now fixed.