Total processed Billed Bytes at processing data at table object level in Bigquery


I see information schema JOBS view has "total_bytes_billed" at query/job level. May i possibly find the same information at table level?? like how much of bytes read from each table in the query and processed.

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Unfortunately, BigQuery does not provide a direct way to find out the total bytes read from each table in a query at the table level. The total_bytes_billed and total_bytes_processed are available only at the query/job level in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS view.

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STORAGE view provides information about the storage usage of tables and materialized views. It does not provide information about the bytes read by a specific query from each table.

The BigQuery API can provide information about the total bytes processed by a query, but it does not provide this information for each table accessed by the query.

If you need to monitor the bytes processed for individual tables, you might consider the following workarounds:

  • Run Queries Separately: Run separate queries for each table and check the total_bytes_processed for each query.
  • BigQuery Audit Logs: Check the BigQuery Audit Logs to see if it provides the necessary granularity of data processed information.
  • Using BigQuery Scripting and Stored Procedures: Use BigQuery scripting and stored procedures to capture the bytes processed for each table by running individual queries for each table and storing the results.