Screencast overview of Envoy Proxy, and the Apigee Adapter for Envoy

I just recorded a screencast giving an overview of envoyproxy, as well as the Apigee Adapter for Envoy. This screencast is more a review of "what can these things do?" with demonstrations of them working, rather than an instructional screencast showing you exactly how to get started.

Within the Apigee portfolio, there are a few different options for your API Management gateways.

  • Apigee X is a "managed service" for API Management from Google in which Google manages gateways on your behalf, in the Google cloud. You have the option to configure network ingress and egress to and from those gateways, such that you can allow clients running on the internet to send requests in, or you can disallow that and allow only clients on your own corporate network to connect into the gateways. The upstream API services behind Apigee X gateways can be running "anywhere", including in GCP, in an AWS or Azure VPC/VNet, or in your own datacenter, or even in a combination of those. This latter combination scenario is typical in larger enterprises.
  • Apigee hybrid is a hybrid service from Google in which Google runs and operates the API Management control plane in the Google cloud, and you, the customer, run and operate the Apigee gateways on a network of your choice. The gateways are containerized and require a K8s cluster, but you can locate that cluster where you wish - in GCP (rare), in AWS or Azure (common), or in your own datacenter. Again, you have full control over ingress and egress of the data path for API clients. The advantage of hybrid is that you have control over the data path, the downside is that you have responsibility for running and operating the gateway clusters, ensuring their availability, updating them with software updates, and so on.
  • The final option is a "lightweight hybrid" API Management approach based on Envoy proxy, and the Apigee Adapter for Envoy. As with Apigee hybrid, with the envoy adapter option, you are responsible for running and operating the Envoy gateways. The gateways can be simpler to run and operate than a full k8s cluster which is required for Apigee hybrid. The tradeoff here is that API management function is somewhat limited. You will get: API Authorization, rate limiting (quota), and API Analytics. With both Apigee X and hybrid, you have the ability to construct your API proxies with a sequence of 40+ policies, or re-usable logic steps. In the Envoy Adapter, there are three functions, that's it.

This screencast overview talks through that last option, how it works, and shows some demonstrations. I hope you enjoy it.


I am interested in all feedback on this screencast!

I may at some later point record a screencast showing you how to get started - walking you through the downloads, and how to bring up the proxy with the right configuration. Let me know if you would find that interesting.

Version history
Last update:
‎09-14-2022 03:01 PM
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