Get Started with Google's Spectrum Access System: Onboarding & Provisioning

Thank you for your interest in Google’s Spectrum Access System (SAS)!  The following steps will walk you through getting started with Google’s SAS, from sign up to onboarding & provisioning.

Before you begin

Google SAS is part of Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud. If you aren't already a Google Cloud customer, please sign up on the Get started with Google Cloud page.

  • Sign up with your Google account, or register your existing email address as a Google account.
  • Select your Account Type as Business during set-up.

Provision the SAS Service

Provision the SAS service for your organization using gCloud CLI commands in the following instructions.

  1. If you haven't installed the Google Cloud CLI, follow the instructions to Install the gCloud CLI from the Google Cloud console.

  2. If you have installed Google Cloud CLI, get access to the Google SAS toolset by updating the gCloud CLI:

    gcloud components update
  3. The SAS service is enabled at the Google Cloud project level. You must create a new project for SAS. You can do so from the UI or from the CLI.

    1. Retrieve your Organization ID:

      gcloud organizations list
    2. Create a new Google Cloud Project. Name and record your project ID. This is the default User ID that you use for your SAS deployment.

      gcloud projects create your-project-id --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID
      • Replace your-project-id with the name you have chosen for your project ID.
      • Replace ORGANIZATION_ID with the ID of the organization that you retrieved in Step a.

      If you receive the following error message, "Your project ID matches a user ID already present in our system. Please use a different project ID," it means that you have chosen a project ID that is already in use.

      Please select a new Project ID if you receive this error.

  4. After you create a Google Cloud Project, set it as the active project:

    gcloud config set project your-project-id
  5. Provision your new deployment:

    gcloud alpha cbrs-spectrum-access provision \
  6. Follow the prompts that appear and enable the SAS Portal API on the project.

You should be all set!  You can now go to the SAS Portal to add users, create CBSD configurations, and view the status of your CBRS network.  Log into the SAS Portal using the same Google Cloud account that you used for Google Cloud Console and running the preceding CLI commands.  You can also read further for more information about how to Prepare to use the SAS portal.

Signing up for Cloud Support

Support for Google’s SAS is provided through Google Cloud’s Customer Care.  Please review our support options and choose the level that best suits your needs.  

If you’re unsure which level of support you currently have or if you have a support offering with Google Cloud, you can check in the Cloud Support Console.

Additional documentation can also be found in our Spectrum Access System documentation center.

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Community Manager

Thanks for sharing @Alyssa_P!

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Last update:
‎05-30-2023 07:51 AM
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