Unable to created big query external tables (using GCS datasets) since 19th July

Hi all, Hope you are well. 

We are, for some reason, unable to created big query tables on top of GCS datasets since evening of 19th July (IST). This comes off as a surprise as we have been creating tables the similar way using GCS datasets for a while now. 

Upon trying to create one, I get an alert saying "Make sure that all fields are correct to continue". We tried to recreate a table that already existed before in our systems, only this time we were unable to create it. 

Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 11.19.52 AM.png

Any help appreciated. 



2 9 2,537

Hi, I'm experiencing the same issue, is this being investigated?

Hi, I have the same problem... 
I do simple steps and i don't create any table in my workspace.


Make Sure that all fields are correct to continue.jpg

Hi all, if you have GCP technical support purchased I would encourage you all to create a case with them about this to get this resolved.

Info on how to do that here: https://cloud.google.com/support/docs/procedures

In the meantime as a workaround you should be able to create the table via the command line using bq mk, CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE in SQL or via api:


I am experiencing the same issue. We have a fixed procedure that has been working for years. No new changes were introduced - this seems to be a platform issue.

We have the exact same issue. We require an urgent fix as there are critical business functions which rely on us being able to connect to google sheets.

Experienced this same issue just today. Confirming that this function is still working as of yesterday Aug 22

I had the same problem. Then I tried to create a table with DLL


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE project_id.dataset_name.table_name (
  x STRING, 
  z STRING,...
  format = GOOGLE_SHEETS,
  uris = ['https://url'],
  skip_leading_rows= 1




Thanks - this worked perfectly! 

Just created an account here to thank you, man! That workaround is solid!

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