unable to see companies

when I try and add a company through


it succeeds. but there is still no companies option in my dashboard. can you please make this visible for me.

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Hi there,

In the Apigee Edge Dashboard, you will only see Companies if you have Monetization enabled. This is purchased as a separate add-on to Apigee.

However, the underlying Management APIs are still available. If you do a GET request to the above URL, you will see the company that you have created.

Companies are typically used to group developers in a Developer Portal (such as here). This is typically implemented in Drupal. If you would like to enable these companies in your Drupal 7 portal, you can follow the steps here.

Please note, that this enables companies in your Developer Portal and not on the Apigee Edge Admin portal.

Does this help?

Thanks, Sean

His response to the above option as below: "These instructions arnt very clear. Bear in mind im an android developer, not a backend guy, when it says download the repo and

“Place devportal_customer_modules/apigee_nonmint_company/ inside <your_site_repo>/sites/all/modules/custom/” and push changes back up to your sites repo, what does this mean.. what is my sites repo? This is not very helpful. I just need a company to appear." @davissean : can you clarify this with a simple step by step instruction?

If the developer portal is in git, then it is the root of the git directory. If it is deployed to a server then it is likely to be in /opt/apigee/apigee-drupal or /var/www/html depending on how the developer portal is installed.

I would recommend checking out some training if you are new to the Developer Portal such as here .


if you can provide more detail such as whether your Dev Portal is hosted On-Premise, in Acquia or Pantheon then there may be additional instructions on the hosting providers docs. Feel free to add this info.