unable to deploy a api proxy

Being redirected to API proxy creation step while trying to deploy an api proxy into test environment.

It is failing at uploading proxy step during deployment .

0 5 412

Not applicable

I faced the exact same issue couple of days back when I tried creating a reverse proxy and the page got redirected before deploying it.

However this problem went away the next day.

Ok Thanks ..But I am still facing it .

HI Venkata,

Can you use the management API's and see what would be the error.

Providing the api's just in case you need it.


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -u $username:$password -F "file=@$PROXY_DIR/$proxyName.zip" https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/o/$org_name/apis?action=import&name=$proxyName


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u $username:$password https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/o/$org_name/e/$env_name/apis/$proxyName/revisions/$revNum/deplo...

Please refer the documentation,

API Proxy Management


Can i import the api's(Management API's)mentioned by you using Edge GUI instead of CURL to see the error... FYI , i am using free developer version of apigee edge.

You mean developing a proxy for management API's , i don't think its a best practice to do it.

EDGE UI also uses the api's to perform the action in the background.

You can use any rest client to perform this action . or one more option is to switch to classic UI then you should be able to perform the deployments.
