trying to run a basic hapi node server, getting back "scripts.node.runtime.ScriptExitedError"

I am trying to print basic example using hapi server. I deployed to apigee edge and I am getting error.I tried same example locally it printed the value what i was expecting.deployment is successful I can see all dependencies varsions in package.json.Here is the error I am getting back: { "fault": { "faultstring": "Script node executed prematurely: syntax error\nsyntax error\n at module.js:439\n at module.js:474\n at module.js:356\n at module.js:312\n at module.js:497\n at startup (trireme.js:142)\n at trireme.js:923\n", "detail": { "errorcode": "scripts.node.runtime.ScriptExitedError" } } }. In my example I tried to start a hapi server and start connection and added a route which will print Hello World!.

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I do see that hapi.js requires node.js 4.8.x+, that is likely the culprit as Edge (via Trireme) does not support newer JavaScript language syntax and this is likely what's causing the "syntax error".

Thank you!! Do you know when will apigee edge will gonna support new javascript?

Hi @knandigam, Thanks for posting this question. As a customer you might be eligible to try new features coming up in Edge, which includes trying bleeding edge versions of Node.js.

@Mukundha Madhavan - could you please advise our developers on this? Thanks!