"Exporting" Integrated Portal Teams

platform context: Apigee Edge Public Cloud

My team is looking to do a "crawl, walk, run" approach to our API Portal solution. We do not have the initial need & resources to put out a customized Drupal Portal, so we are starting with the Integrated Portal until we need more.

We plan to use the Teams feature in the Integrated Portal to allow Developers to manage team-based applications.

I am a bit concerned about our capabilities to export/migrate that team data to another portal in the future however. I can see that a portal team is created as Developer with <guid>@devteam.apigee.io notation, but I cannot see how I might correlate another Developer with that information. I suspect that's entirely maintained within the portal itself.

Is it possible to extract or deduce this information so that it can imported into another portal platform? Considering that there may be differences between team management between the Integrated Portal and a Drupal Portal, is it even worth considering this? If we plan to upgrade our portal in the future, should we expect Developers to recreate their teams?


  • Team members can be correlated to Developer resources by their email addresses - ie if there's a team member with some-email-address@xyz.com, there's also a Developer resource with that email address (once that user has registered with the Portal at least). I have little to no knowledge of how a portal team functionality might work in Drupal (maybe somebody else could speak to that), but I would think it would have to work similarly.
  • There is an in-progress effort to release publicly supported Portals management APIs, and teams will be part of that (and that API design will make the team member <-> Developer relationship more explicit). In the meantime, a quick-and-dirty way to extract the list would be to copy the JSON response in the browser developer tools.