"Error Sending Request Could not connect to proxy Make sure the URL is correct" when trying to enable a trace session from the ui console


I'm getting this error while trying to send a trace request from my apigee console. This occurs irrespective of the apigee version used.

Error Sending Request
Could not connect to http://org-env.apigee.domain.com:9001/v1/apigee/healthCheck. Make sure the URL is correct

The same url works fine on the browser. I've cross checked the firewall and network ports. No issues found whatsoever. And this issue exists irrespective of the router ip/loadbalancer hostname being used.

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

tcp 0 0 10.x.x.x :9001* LISTEN

Appreciate any help to resolve this.



0 5 1,994

Do you see anything in the Edge-UI logs or Management server logs? Also please help us understand how did you install edge-ui and Management server components?



@Karthick Vankayala, there is nothing in the ui/ms logs. MS (openldap, ui and ms) is installed on a dedicated server. We're running a 23 node setup.

What I've noticed is that any private ips/hostnames aren't working when I do a trace. Is this an apigee bug?

Apigee team, appreciate if you could provide an update on this. This seems like a platform level bug/issue. Hope you're aware of this.

Not applicable

@Ahammed Abdulla Thufael Sorry for the delayed response on this query. It appears that the problem you have run into has addressed by : https://docs.apigee.com/private-cloud/latest/allowing-trace-tool-access-local-ip-addresses . Can you try out the steps and let us know if that helps ?

i had the same issue and it works for me thanks