"Clear cache" not clearing it. How to clear cache?

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

So we have a proxy for an API that our client (the API's owner) asks to clean the cache in HML sometimes so they can perform tests, but when we do that through Apigee's dashboard (or API), it doesn't seem to clean the cache.

Maybe there is some configuration missing or something we don't quite understand about it, I'm not sure.

So here is the example (in dev env):


Between call 2 and 3 (separated by the red line), I cleared the cache in the following way: Apigee dashboard > Admin > Environments > Caches > [dev] app_utils > ACTIONS > "Clear cache"


Then I made the request again in dev environment and the cache was still being used (request 3).

The code for the cache call in default.xml:


 (in the trace example, the cache is RC-1d).

The policy's code is the following:


Another question: if I use the variable for env "hml" (something like if is equal to hml) in "SkipCacheLookup", would that accomplish my goal (for the cache to not be used in hml env)?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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