proxy base path UNKNOWN


Today I faced a strange issue. we are using multiple MPs. For only one of our API status-code was 500 and in trace the output from the backend which exists on the same server was

X-Apigee.proxy.basepath UNKNOWN
Response Content
Body {"fault":{"faultstring":"NullPointerException","detail":{"errorcode":"Internal Server Error"}}}

After restarting the MP error was gone and there was no 500 status-code. Can someone help me to understand what happened here. All the APIs were working fine except this.


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Hi Kailash,

If you have access to that log then please find the log uuid.

Using that log uuid, check the logs in message processor system.log.

Also, you can check the router nginx log and find out the log UUID.

A unique log uuid is associated for every request in APIGEE