product quota get reset on each deployment


One observation that we are seeing that Product Quota gets reset to none (quota which is defined in proxy takes effect) on each deployment if any of the proxies in a product is deployed again.

In our config file, we are not defining any quota. Is that the reason? But then how we can control the numbers in each environment/org?


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I'm sorry about the problem you're experiencing.

I'm aware of a problem in the Quota policy, that it depends on the name of the proxy, and the name of the quota policy itself. And perhaps on the revision itself.

ref: b/149229963

Thanks, Dino for the response. Do we have any solution or workaround for this problem ?

For a workaround: One solution may be to define a specific proxy that enforces the Quota, and then from your actual proxy, use a ServiceCallout (LocalTargetConnection) to invoke that Quota-proxy. When you update your main proxy , I presume you can leave the Quota-proxy alone, and therefore you'd avoid the reset problem.

As regards to your prior question "How we can control the numbers in each env/org?" I suppose you have seen the quota policy documentation, right? That documentation should explain in detail how to set the quota. limits per API Product. If you want something different than per-product quota numbers, you'll have to use custom attributes.