is it possible to change your login email address?

Hey guys,

I've set up an account on the forums against a work email - would rather change to a personal email

Is this possible?

Or not really?

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I think you can change it...

Click the Icon on the upper right corner.

In the dropdown, click Profile

click Edit

(change your email address)

click Save


@Pradeep Shanmugham, if you are satisfied with Dino's answer please "accept" it so as to benefit others in the future with the same question.

Hi @Cladius Fernando - I can't accept it as it has not really solved my problem.

I could change the email - but it did not really remove the work email as being my login.

Also when I had to reset my password it would only accept my work email - which means if I change jobs - I will need to set up a different persona / account for apigee and not be able to modify my username - or change it to a different email address.

So no - this is still an open issue.

Hi @Pradeep Shanmugham,

As you are the orgadmin, you can add the other email id and provide it orgadmin access.

Hence, both id can have access to the ORG.

Good suggestion. However, the question is regarding the profile being used to access the "community/forum" rather than the Apigee Edge portal.

Were you ever able to find out how to do this?