invalid response from region api

All done

App edgemicro-auth is already deployed!

checking org for existing vault

vault already exists in your org

invalid response from region api undefined

updating agent configuration


agentConfig['edge_config'].bootstrap = results[1].bootstrap;

Solved Solved
1 17 473

Hi Tim, Few questions to narrow it down:

1. Are you on cloud or on-premises? If on-premises, it needs to be 1507

2. What's the node version you have? It needs to be v4.x.x series.

View solution in original post


Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is happening when i was trying to configure Edge Micro.

Thank You.

Hi Tim, Few questions to narrow it down:

1. Are you on cloud or on-premises? If on-premises, it needs to be 1507

2. What's the node version you have? It needs to be v4.x.x series.

Thanks for the response.

1. Are you on cloud or on-premises? If on-premises, it needs to be 1507

On cloud Edge.

2. What's the node version you have? It needs to be v4.x.x series.


Cloud makes it a bit easier to solve. Can you delete all edgemicro* proxies from your org and try configuring again pls? This time when you run 'cli/bin/edgemicro configure' pass -d flag to get more debug output.

Ok, Just added you the Org. My email address is

Hey Tim, This was problem on our side which I was able to reproduce in my own setup without using your org. Please try again and it should work. Feel free to remove me from the org. Thanks.

I have deleted the proxies (edgemicro-auth and my personal proxies) and vault from key value map store too. I have been using -d option all along since encounter the error.

Still getting the same error.

invalid response from region api undefined

updating agent configuration


agentConfig['edge_config'].bootstrap = results[2].bootstrap; // get genkeys results

Can you temporarily add me to your org pls? use .

Ok, Thank you. It is working but hit another roadblock. When i am trying to run the verify command i am getting error saving config to ../../tmp/edgemicro-config-trpitta-test.yaml { [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '../../tmp/edgemicro-config-trpitta-test.yaml']

It looks like while doing the installation it supposed to produce some file and verify will be reading the file which didn't got produced i guess.

Hmm I will look into this since it's first time it's been reported. If your agent/config/default.yaml got updated (confirm by looking at bootstrap and jwt_public_key properties) then you should be fine to proceed with the rest.

Not applicable

We experience the same issue, any info would be greatly appreciated!

Pls try again. This was fixed on Friday afternoon PST.

Yep, it works now!

Ok, Created the proxies and all the other stuff. I was able to start the server (npm start)

When i wanted to start edgemicrogateway (edgemicro agent proc -c start) with key and secret it provides the right output but kills the NPM start window. It is same error that i got while doing verify.

error saving config to ../../tmp/edgemicro-config-trpitta-test.yaml { [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '../../tmp/edgemicro-config-trpitta-test.yaml']

errno: -2,

code: 'ENOENT',

syscall: 'open',

path: '../../tmp/edgemicro-config-trpitta-test.yaml' }


throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event


Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '../../tmp/edgemicro-MTQ1NjA5MTQzNjIxMA-out.log'

at Error (native)

So i am thinking the configuration is not done properly to begin with. Appreciate your help.

Are you sure it's not a file permission issue? By default, log files and temporary config file are stored in /var/tmp (configurable in agent/config/default.yaml) and I see those on my mac.

I don't think it is permission issue since i am an admin on my mac. Let me ask this, Is this file gets created during start of the edgemicrogateway? or the file should be updated?

Ok, it is fixed now. I wiped out everything and started again from step 1. I don't know what the reason but fresh start did the trick.

Thank you for your help.