how to migrate cloud to on prem using terraform

hi all,

I want to migrate saas proxies to opdk using terraform for that I have already downloaded proxy bundles

I am using the below terraform providers

so but i am not able to configure the provider because opdk is on a private cloud having an IP and where pass the IP and configure

i've tried below thing 



terraform {
  required_providers {
    apigee = {
      source  = "scastria/apigee"
      version = "~> 0.1.0"
provider "apigee" {
  username = ""
  password = "Apigee@123"
  organization = "myorg"
  server = "" // ip and port where apigee opdk is running
  port = 80
  oauth_port = 80

resource "apigee_proxy" "example" {
  name = "ShawnTest"
  bundle = "C:\\Users\\LP45\\Desktop\\opdk-migration\\"
  bundle_hash = filebase64sha256("C:\\Users\\LP45\\Desktop\\opdk-migration\\")



but it is not working 

could you please let me know how to configure 

even though i tried with management API but not working

@Denis_KALITVI @API-Evangelist @dchiesa1 @cjking  




0 2 229

From the docs you linked the server should only be the IP, and the port is separate. Furthermore, 9000 is the UI port but you need the management API port (default 8080 on OPDK). But I've never used this terraform before so there might be other issues I'm not aware of.


You might also consider for this task.

@cjking yaa thanks for the response I did that change but by default, it is forwarding to HTTPS and my opdk setup is not secure it is HTTP how I mention that 

error code = "http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client"