getting error when i tried to get consumer key for the proxies in github

When i go to github profile and in the provisioning i try to get the consumer key and when it asks for password i put the password of my apigee account.

But it gives me error.

0 7 133

Hi Hima, please provide more info on what you are trying to do.

Provide links to the docs you are following.

I am uploading the url

When i start the and its ask for password it does not accept my password.

For the password i am putting the password of my free trial apigee account.

But it is not accepting .Please guide me.

It gives me error "enter the password for user hs on server".

What is the error you are getting? Does your password have any special characters?

The error it gives me "Enter the password for user hs on server"

i created the password for my apigee password with special character @..

my suggestion:

modify the file. Remove the get_password line, and just set your password there.

like this:


## Ensure configuration variables have been set.
source ../../setup/ || exit 1
#get_password || exit 1

echo using $username and $org

# Install API Products

curl -u $username:$password $url/v1/o/$org/apiproducts \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -T LearnEdgeProduct.json

# Create developers

curl -u $username:$password $url/v1/o/$org/developers \
  -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X POST -T learn-edge-developer.xml

# Create apps

curl -u $username:$password \
  $url/v1/o/$org/developers/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X POST -T learn-edge-app.xml

# Get consumer key and attach API product

key=`curl -u $username:$password -H "Accept: application/json" \
     $url/v1/o/$org/developers/ 2>/dev/null \
     | grep consumerKey | awk -F '\"' '{ print $4 }'`

curl -u $username:$password \
  $url/v1/o/$org/developers/${key} \
  -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X POST -T learn-edge-product.xml

key=`curl -u $username:$password -H "Accept: application/json"\
     $url/v1/o/$org/developers/ 2>/dev/null \
     | grep consumerKey | awk -F '\"' '{ print $4 }'`

echo "\n\nConsumer key for learn-edge-app is ${key}"

Run the modified

It should work.