facing issues while downloading asm in gcp

hii all

hope you are doing great

so I just installed apigee hybrid 1.5 on was ec2 machine and that is working fine 

in was while installing asm logs are like this


[ec2-user@ip-172-31-8-200 ~]$ ./install_asm \
>   --project_id drde-317805 \
>   --cluster_name mycluster \
>   --cluster_location us-central1-a \
>   --mode install \
>   --enable_apis \
>   --custom_overlay /home/ec2-user/asm/istio/istio-operator.yaml

install_asm: Setting up necessary files...
install_asm: Creating temp directory...
install_asm: Generating a new kubeconfig...
install_asm: Checking installation tool dependencies...
install_asm: Downloading ASM..
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 45.7M  100 45.7M    0     0  5141k      0  0:00:09  0:00:09 --:--:-- 8373k
install_asm: Downloading ASM kpt package...
fetching package "/asm" from "https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/anthos-service-mesh-packages" to "asm"
install_asm: Checking for project drde-317805...
install_asm: Confirming cluster information for drde-317805/us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Confirming node pool requirements for drde-317805/us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Fetching/writing GCP credentials to kubeconfig file...
install_asm: Verifying connectivity (20s)...
install_asm: kubeconfig set to drde-317805/us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Checking Istio installations...
install_asm: Successfully validated all requirements to install ASM from this computer.
install_asm: Getting account information...
install_asm: Enabling required APIs...
Operation "operations/acf.p2-98669773732-f4f86c3c-583d-4d0f-b4f0-8e94399e6c51" finished successfully.
install_asm: Reading labels for us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Adding labels to us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Enabling Workload Identity on us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: (This could take awhile, up to 10 minutes)
install_asm: Initializing meshconfig API...
install_asm: Enabling Stackdriver on us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Querying for core/account...
install_asm: Binding rohan.jangid@gmail.com to cluster admin role...
W0819 14:35:39.128816    1811 helpers.go:535] --dry-run is deprecated and can be replaced with --dry-run=client.
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cluster-admin-binding created
install_asm: Checking for istio-system namespace...
install_asm: Creating istio-system namespace...
namespace/istio-system created
install_asm: Configuring kpt package...
set 14 field(s) of setter "gcloud.container.cluster" to value "mycluster"
set 28 field(s) of setter "gcloud.core.project" to value "drde-317805"
set 0 field(s) of setter "gcloud.project.projectNumber" to value "98669773732"
set 2 field(s) of setter "gcloud.project.environProjectNumber" to value "98669773732"
set 13 field(s) of setter "gcloud.compute.location" to value "us-central1-a"
set 6 field(s) of setter "anthos.servicemesh.rev" to value "asm-178-8"
set 1 field(s) of setter "anthos.servicemesh.tag" to value "1.7.8-asm.8"
install_asm: Installing ASM control plane...
install_asm: ...done!
install_asm: Installing validation webhook fix...
service/istiod created
install_asm: Installing ASM CanonicalService controller in asm-system namespace...
namespace/asm-system created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/canonicalservices.anthos.cloud.google.com created
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-leader-election-role created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-manager-role created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-metrics-reader created
serviceaccount/canonical-service-account created
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-leader-election-rolebinding created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-manager-rolebinding created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/canonical-service-proxy-rolebinding created
service/canonical-service-controller-manager-metrics-service created
deployment.apps/canonical-service-controller-manager created
install_asm: Waiting for deployment...
deployment.apps/canonical-service-controller-manager condition met
install_asm: ...done!
install_asm: *****************************
install_asm: The ASM control plane installation is now complete.
install_asm: To enable automatic sidecar injection on a namespace, you can use the following command:
install_asm: kubectl label namespace <NAMESPACE> istio-injection- istio.io/rev=asm-178-8 --overwrite
install_asm: If you use 'istioctl install' afterwards to modify this installation, you will need
install_asm: to specify the option '--set revision=asm-178-8' to target this control plane
install_asm: instead of installing a new one.
install_asm: To finish the installation, enable Istio sidecar injection and restart your workloads.
install_asm: For more information, see:
install_asm: https://cloud.google.com/service-mesh/docs/proxy-injection
install_asm: The ASM package used for installation can be found at:
install_asm: /tmp/tmp.kZZGhgvfbY/asm
install_asm: The version of istioctl that matches the installation can be found at:
install_asm: /tmp/tmp.kZZGhgvfbY/istio-1.7.8-asm.8/bin/istioctl
install_asm: The combined configuration generated for installation can be found at:
install_asm: /tmp/tmp.kZZGhgvfbY/asm-178-8-manifest-raw.yaml
install_asm: The full, expanded set of kubernetes resources can be found at:
install_asm: /tmp/tmp.kZZGhgvfbY/asm-178-8-manifest-expanded.yaml
install_asm: *****************************
install_asm: Successfully installed ASM.


means asm is installed 

but if I do the same thing on GCP machine i am having some issues like these are the log while installing asm in GCP


[rohan_jangid@instance-2 ~]$ ./install_asm   --project_id drde-317805   --cluster_name mycluster   --cluster_location us-central1-a   --mode install   --enable_apis   --custom_overlay /home/rohan_jangid/asm/istio/istio-operator.yaml
install_asm: Setting up necessary files...
install_asm: Creating temp directory...
install_asm: Generating a new kubeconfig...
install_asm: Checking installation tool dependencies...
install_asm: Downloading ASM..
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 45.7M  100 45.7M    0     0  24.1M      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 24.0M
install_asm: Downloading ASM kpt package...
fetching package "/asm" from "https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/anthos-service-mesh-packages" to "asm"
install_asm: Checking for project drde-317805...
install_asm: Confirming cluster information for drde-317805/us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Confirming node pool requirements for drde-317805/us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Fetching/writing GCP credentials to kubeconfig file...
install_asm: Verifying connectivity (20s)...
install_asm: kubeconfig set to drde-317805/us-central1-a/mycluster...
WARNING: version difference between client (1.22) and server (1.20) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1
install_asm: Checking Istio installations...
install_asm: Successfully validated all requirements to install ASM from this computer.
install_asm: Getting account information...
install_asm: Enabling required APIs...
Operation "operations/acf.p2-98669773732-29c30118-ce4a-49a0-b0d1-17be7f9a2db6" finished successfully.
install_asm: Reading labels for us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Adding labels to us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: Enabling Workload Identity on us-central1-a/mycluster...
install_asm: (This could take awhile, up to 10 minutes)
install_asm: Initializing meshconfig API...


it is not installed completely  then I am like shock same machine only cloud provider change although I create a script for automating the installation of asm run the same script here 


@ylesyuk @Former Community Member @Daniel Strebel @dino 


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