facing issue while retrieving Response header values in case of 302 redirect from the target system

I am facing issue while retrieving the values from response headers incase of 302 redirect from the target system. it is showing valuse as empty but I am able to see the values in apigee console.

I want to retrieve the value : response.header.Location

var responseContent1 = context.getVariable('response.content'); // response is empty

var location = context.getVariable('response.header.Location'); // response is empty

I have tried in the Assign message policy also:

<Header name="Location">{response.header.Location}</Header> // same

Please see the attached screen shot for more details.




Kumar P.

1 2 380

I just created a simple proxy to try to duplicate this scenario and I'm not having any issues.

Please note that I use the ref option and I can retrieve it and assign to another variable:


Or, to set the location header in the final response, in your assign message policy, ensure that you the AssignTo entry set with type="response"

    <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="response"/>

Also, if you don't do anything, the default behavior for the platform is to forward the header from teh backend to the client.

Hi @kumar

The javascript snippet looks correct, but i think Location should start with L in lowercase. I think if you change it to lowercase, the snippet will be able to extract the value