correlating source control version ( v.r.p) with apigee revision number.

Not applicable

The root issue:how do we correlate the source control version to the Apigee revision number.

Final version of “test proxy” in source control - source control version of 1.0.5

I want Apigee to import this as 1.0.5 to match source control – how can this be accomplished?

Is there a property that we can add to the “test proxy”.xml file that will at least show the source control version in the properties panel?

If this property was available we would edit it after re-importing, to help us know source cntl version of the proxy in production.

0 2 201

There is a Description element in the API Proxy bundle. This element can contain any text.

The value of the text is displayed at the top of the Proxy overview page.


You can modify the description in the develop tab:


Not applicable


Any idea when Google going to integrate source control? this is really a short fall of this product. If I was evaluating API platforms for a selection, Apigee would be eliminated due to this issue.