connecting apigee with AWS - storing secrets in the Edge Vault

I am trying to connect apigee with AWS. For that I created an AWS account and then created IAM user and downloaded that keys. But to follow next steps the keys need to store in vault. please suggest me to move forward that how to store it into vault.

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The way to provision the vault is via Edge Management APIs. Here's an example.

First create the vault.

curl -X POST \
    -H content-type:application/json \
    $mgmtserver/v1/o/$org/e/$env/vaults \
    -d '{ "name": "vaultname" }'

Then, populate the vault with key/value pairs. Do that with another API call, like this:

curl -X POST \
  -H content-type:application/json \
  $mgmtserver/v1/o/$org/e/$env/vaults/${vaultname}/entries \
  -d "$payload"

The payload for this call ought to look something like this:

{ "name": "vault-key-here", "value": "value-goes-here" }

If you want to store multiple key/value pairs, then invoke that second API call several times, each with a different payload.

You should be aware that Apigee is replacing the Vault with an Encrypted KVM store. The APIs to administer the encrypted KVM are similar to those used to administer the vaults. For more on encrypted KVM, see this documentation article. For the management APIs, see this doc. KVMs, unlike vaults, can be scoped to an organization, an environment, or an API proxy.