apistudio secure the url and change sample values

I am planning to use apistudio.io for creating mock URL so that the UI Team can hit that url and start their development while I work on the actual implementation.

2 questions I had in using apistudio.io

1. The url exposed by apistudio.io is open. Is there any way I can have a restriction on the people who access the URL. if it is not possible can I host my apistudio in the local intranet so that it is accessible only within the network.

2. apistudio.io default the string to "Sample text" and number to 1. Is there a way I can have different mock values for different fields. I tried by adding an example block in the swagger also tried adding a default: for the fields, but both did not work and it always returns "Sample Text" and 1 for string and number fields.

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